Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New Year

It's a milestone for me

     I started this blog in 2014 as a New Year's Resolution. 
     You see, I don't finish things.  I start something, then drop it and often don't return.  I have been that way my entire life.
     I spent a fortune on Revell car and other model kits as a kid.  I don't think I ever finished one.  I had a really cool steel MGB that was about a foot long.  I took it apart to paint it......and years later pops tossed it, along with all my unfinished models and  well read comic books, because I had gotten married, moved, had children and clearly was not coming back.
     I have four books that I am working on.  I have finished one, but when I sent it to a publisher I received an empty envelope in return.  I have another book finished, but I am still revising.  Molly Fader, I am not.
     You get the idea.
     But the blog.....I can't seem to stop.  I have thought about quitting on those nights I was tired, had too much wine, not enough wine, had nothing to say...and those nights I wanted to pour out my heart but didn't.
     I just want to say thank you to those who read this, whether it's every night, every morning, or once a week.   I appreciate your likes and your comments.
      But I most appreciate the support (and love) you have shown me and Jackie over the years.
     As we enter this new decade, I just have one wish.
     I want Barbara Walters to usher it in.  Can you hear her?  "This is Barbara Walters and this is 2020."
     It would just be cool.
     Happy New Year and blessings to you and your kin
Love and Peace

Monday, December 30, 2019

Oh no....

Sometimes I don't communicate clearly

     There.  I admit it.
     I  found a special Christmas cookie  from Germany and Aldi's is the only place I know that carries them around here.
     The cookies are a buttery delight.  They come about 20 to a package and are priced at $1.69  or so.  But after Christmas, they go on sale for 49 cents, sometimes less. 
     So I buy as many as I can and freeze them  Then we eat a bag every couple of weeks.
     When I went to Aldi's the other day, they only had 3 packs left.  So I bought them and put them in the pantry.
     I also bought two other kinds of German cookies and put them in the pantry.
     Today Julia and Emily went shopping.  They asked if I wanted anything.  I said yes, buy  those German Christmas cookies if you happen to be in Aldi's.
     During the day they called and said they were at an Aldi's and there were plenty of cookies, so I said buy them.

     I now have 50 bags....OF THE WRONG COOKIES!!!!  \
     Yes, I had a bag of these in the closet.
     Yes, I should have been more specific about which of the 3 cookies I wanted.
     Yes, I need to be a better communicator.  To be honest, I forgot about the other two bags.
     Don't get me wrong, I like these.  Jackie likes these.  We will eat them.  Or most of them, anyway.
     Meanwhile, I'll be checking out the Sycamore Aldi's for the buttery ones.
     Sure, I will lose weight in 2020.
Peace and Love and cookies

Sunday, December 29, 2019

typical Terry

When is it too late to send thank yous?

     I had intended to send thank you notes to the people who donated to the MS walk we took part in last May.
     In fact, I have a few thank you notes on the desk that I wrote....and never mailed.  I realized after about three months, that it was getting late for mailing them.  So I never did.
     Then something happened.
     About 3 years ago I did a favor for someone and appeared in a commercial.  No big thing, I was part of a group doing an activity.  The person who set up the shot thanked me and gave me a bag of goodies...mug, t shirt, stuff like that.
     Three years ago.
     Last week, in the Christmas wrapping frenzy, Julia was looking for a gift bag and picked up a green bag that had tissue paper.  She pulled out the tissue paper and there was a card addressed to me at the bottom of the bag.
     Inside, there was a $50 bill with a note of thanks for helping her.
     I guess I just missed the envelope.
     I am going to send a thank you with an explanation.
     If 3 years isn't too long,  then maybe, just maybe, I will get the ones finally finished from May.  Just don't hold your breath.
Peace and Love

Saturday, December 28, 2019

what haopened?

I just realized how much has changed in my life

     Ten years ago I would have spent the day on the couch watching college football.  Here it is, 10 p.m. and I don't even know who is playing!  I guess one team scored a bunch of points and will play for the national championship, but I don't know when that is either.
     The Chicago Bulls are still playing basketball.  I used to listen to them on the radio and watch them on tv, but now, I don't really care.
     Ten years ago I was hoping to make it to 70....now I hope to make it to 80.
     I would have been reading A Christmas Carol, swilling egg not by the quart, watching all sorts of movies in the past.  This year, I have not even watched the movie let along picked up the book and I may be on my first quart of nog.
     Ten years ago I would not be spending time on Facebook, scrolling through dozens of posts of people wanting to buy and sell things.  Some of the stuff they are selling is pretty sad looking.  Yet, I have posted on there.  (I still have a treadmill and 2 foot square columns.  The treadmill is free and would make a great trade in on a new one.  The columns would be great in a new house or theater.........)
     Funny how life goes, isn't it?
     We are always changing....sometimes for the better, sometimes it's just a change.
     Time for some egg nog.
Peace and Love

Friday, December 27, 2019

just wondering

Sometimes I get puzzled

     By now, most of you know that I am reluctant to toss out anything.
     Check out these two bottles of syrup.  Both are light, both are Karo, both are unopened.
     The only difference is the one on the right was bought this year.  The one on the left might have been bought this decade.   I tossed out the yellow Karo.

     Was it good?  Don't know.  Don't know if the yellowing is natural or if it just sat too long on the shelf.
     And maybe somebody can explain this

     It appears to be a pair of feet and a butt in our Christmas cactus.
     Dang kids.
     I also wonder why there are so many geese around.

     A gaggle of geese......and they are everywhere.  Years ago you would hardly see any, now they stay here year round, dropping goose poop everywhere.
     Had a zoo day today and stopped for a coffee at a local coffee shop.  Then went out to dinner in Cherry Valley with some friends and had a couple of glasses of pop.  My guess is, I will still be awake at 3.
     I will never learn.
Peace and Love

Thursday, December 26, 2019

call me Sherman

I have a food addiction

     Trust me, I am not making fun of people who have addictions.  That malady is painful to family and friends of those addicted.
     I just can't pass up anything.  Except vegetables.
     Cookies from a friend?  A mix of pretzels, white chocolate, peanut butter and  Chex?  Gone in 60 seconds.
     I eat when I am not hungry.  I eat when I am full.  I eat when I am bored, nervous, depressed, upset, mad, typing on the computer, reading a book.  The only time I don't eat is when I am outside. 
     I need to live in a tent.
     At one point this year I was down to 194 on my home scale.  Now I am at 198.  I feel bloated, uncomfortable, tired, and fat.
     Yet I keep shoving it in, sometimes eating two  sweets at one time!
     Part of me just doesn't want to waste food, while the other part of me says it tastes good. 
      And when I eat, I get angry and upset, so I eat some more.
     I just have to find a way to end this circle of food.
     Or else I will end up looking like David Navarro!

Peace and Love but hold the sweets

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

366 days until Christmas

Well, this was a pretty special day

     I am truly blessed.  My family was together, and that means the world to me.
Emily, Julia, John, Camryn....that's really all the presence I need at Christmas.  (Note the clever play on words?  Presents/presence?  Good, huh?)
     I did get neat stuff, but I will not brag or bore you with details.
     We had some friends over for dinner and really had a great time visiting and talking.  And eating.
     I did three things I don't recall ever doing on Christmas.
     I rode 5 miles on my bike.  Outside. That put me at just over 300 miles for the year.  'That is about half of my goal, but still mentally  it feels better than saying 295 miles.
     Then....I let other people clean up!  I ALWAYS clear the table and do the dishes.  Every dinner, I do that because these people are guests in our house.  But today, whether due to the overindulgence of appetizers and food, I fell asleep!      As I slept, the crew cleaned up the table, put away leftovers, loaded and started the dishwasher and hand washed a bunch of dishes that don't go in the dishwasher.
     Finally, I did not have dessert!  By the time the pies rolled out, I was so full I could not stuff another morsel in my mouth without causing some widespread fall out.  So I passed on angel food cake with cherries on top, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, and cookies!
     Truly, a Christmas miracle.
     I made it to bed by 2 a.m. and was up at 7, so maybe that is why I was tired.  I think I will be going to bed early....and soon.
     So....if I did not say it before, Merry Christmas.  Hope your day was a blessed one.
Peace and Love

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

the night before Christmas

 I am almost ready to settle in for the night

     Jackie and I went to church, drove around Rochelle looking at some lights, ate pizza, visited with John, Emily and Julia, and watched a little tv.
     Very little
     I am headed off to the basement.  No, it is not punishment.
     I have a tradition.  I watch "It's a Wonderful Life" and wrap a few presents while sipping egg nog.  Since I usually do that a bit later in the evening, Jackie is not quite up to staying awake and Julia isn't into George Bailey.
     At some point, I get drowsy and just stick stuff in bags, have another egg nog, and go to bed.
     I am getting an earlier start, it's not quite 10....and sometimes I don't get to bed until 1.  Hopefully, tonight it will be before midnight.
     So.....Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
Peace and Love

Monday, December 23, 2019


It's almost Christmas Eve

     The house is a mess.  I have presents to wrap.  I have movies to watch.  I am tired but can't sleep.
     I hate the lack of snow.  I can't even dream of a beige Christmas.
     I may be turning into a Grinch.
     Bah, humbug.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

it's a wrap

We finished our play today

     And none too soon, I would say.  I still have some shopping to do and a lot of wrapping and cleaning.  But I have a week before Christmas, right?
     The end of a play is weird.  On one hand, I am glad it is over and my life is back to normal.  On the other hand, the cast becomes like a family.  I spent a lot of time with them....about 12 hours a week up until the final week, then it seemed we were together 4 hours a day! 
     In this play, we actually ate dinner.  Ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, buns and carrot cake for dessert.  The ham was always good and the carrot cake always yummy, which made me eat more than I should have every time we used real food.
     We deconstructed the set and took it back to what will eventually become our theater.  It took about 5 hours to take it down, move it all and clean up the hangar.  Now I have to empty my car of all my stuff and empty coffee cups.
     Maybe I will even sleep tonight.
Peace and Love

Saturday, December 21, 2019


Life is full of memories

     One of the cast members in this show was in one of my first or second classes in fourth grade.  That was a long time ago.
     Tonight at the show a young lady came up to me and said, "Hello....remember me?"  Apparently she picked up on my confusion and she said , "I'm........" and I was just shocked.  She was beautiful!!  She is now near 30 and working two jobs so she can save money for school.  I have not seen her since....well, fifth grade.
     Also in the audience tonight was a young man who was in my cast of "Sideways Stories from Wayside School," which we did probably 12 years ago.      And the director of this was an assistant director for that show.
     And I went to a party, briefly unfortunately, given by friends I have known since my very early days of being involved in theater in Rochelle.....probably 30 years ago!
     It all tells me I've had a pretty good life in Rochelle.
     That's a good feeling to have, especially as I head off to bed, tired from a long day on stage.
Peace and Love

Friday, December 20, 2019

Half way

I can see the light

     We are half way through our run of "In laws, Outlaws and Other People that Should be Shot".
     Technically, we are not truly half way through, because we are doing 5 shows.  But if you count the full dress rehearsal, than it is 6 shows and we have done three.
      Tomorrow will be tough.  We have a matinee and a night show.  That means I may not get my afternoon nap in, as I usually do.
     It was a smaller crowd tonight, but they laughed and were entertained, and that is what the purpose is.
     I also made it to my little guy's Christmas program and it was darn cute.  I mentor a little boy in second grade and he asked me to come to his holiday program, so I did.  They sang and danced to four songs and it was darn cute.
     Sometimes I miss those days.
     But not as often as I used to.
     I do miss the days when I had young girls who took part in those programs.....seems like yesterday.
     Time flies.
Peace and Love

Thursday, December 19, 2019


We had a great opening night tonight

     Our theater group seldom does Thursday thru Sunday shows.  But since we don't have an actual theater yet, it was decided to do five shows in four days.
     Tonight we had a sold out crowd.  On a Thursday.  In an airport hangar.
     It was a fun night....good crowd, good laughers.
     And best of all, I felt better than I have all week.
     Hope it all continues.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

oops...me bad

Sometimes the little details of life escape me

     I go to an urologist.  A urologist?  Whatever.
     I see him twice a year, or so.  Older men have prostate issues.  I am an older man.
     I went to see him in September.  In November, I got a bill for $194.  I called the provider and they said I did not have a referral, so my claim was denied.
     I checked.  I did not have a referral.  It expired about 3 weeks before my appointment.
     I called insurance, because they had sent me a statement saying I did not owe anything Nice people at insurance explained  since the provider was a signed contract provider.  they can't send me a bill.  That's part of the contract.
     Provider says they will review case.
     Yesterday I get a call that I owe provider $194 because insurance denied my claim.   I call insurance.  They say, nope.  Provider is a signed contract provider.  It's their responsibility to be sure a referral is on file, and if it isn't they have 30 days after the appointment to ask for a post appointment referral.  SOP in the insurance world.
     Then the insurance lady provided the best explanation.  "They messed up and now they want the money from you to cover their mistake."
     Honestly, I hate the insurance stuff.  Referrals, preferred providers, in network, out of network......it can get complicated, especially for older folks who might not be dealing with complete decks anymore.
     So....my case is being reviewed again.  I expect another call in a month or so.
     In the meantime, I did ask for a referral because I am due for a visit in February.
     Such is life.
Peace and Love and Good Health

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Sometimes my life is like a rerun

     I sit down at the end of each day and wonder where the day went. 
     Still coughing, though not as much.  Doctor was no help.  I did sleep all night last night thanks to a hot toddy and some cough syrup.  I think sleep helps the most.
     Less stuff to do would be nice.
     Once the play is done, I will have so much more free time.....and probably be healthier too.
     Today my elevator seems to be going up.   I know, I ended a sentence with a preposition. again!
Peace and Love

Monday, December 16, 2019

like riding an elevator

I just can't shake whatever it is I have

     I have been this way for at least a week, maybe more.  Actually, I feel like I have had a cold since Thanksgiving.
     One minute I feel great, the next I feel miserable.  Sometimes I am hungry, but most of the time I am not.  I cough a lot for hours....then nothing.
     Hopefully tomorrow I get in to the doctor.  My regular doctor is off on Friday and was gone today, so he may be able to squeeze me in sometime.  I really don't want to go to urgent care, because I don't know them.  Call me crazy, but that is important to me.
     Julia has a cold...coughing, trouble sleeping.  But I think I had mine first.
     Worst time of the year to be sick....lots to do.
     Anyway, it's past 11 and I am still up.
     I had a hot toddy and some cough syrup, hopefully that puts me to sleep for the night.
Peace and Love

Sunday, December 15, 2019

a little of this, a little of that

Life is a whirlwind!

     I spent part of the day helping put up the set for our upcoming show.
     I don't lift.  I am a holder and getter.  So my duties are kind of limited.  But I learned the youngins can do a much better job of lifting than an old geezer can.
     I missed the Bears' game, but I guess I did not miss a lot.  A could have, should have game.....typical of the season.
     I talked to my brother in law and his wife and my brother, all Florida residents basking in warm weather.  I enjoyed some fresh oranges my brother sent.  They are tasty.
     I also realized I had some pictures I wanted to share.  Not many more words, just some photo ops.

I have no idea what this building was.....but I think we knock down too many structures.

Set going up

What are you doing to me??????  Help, daddy, Help!!

Peace and Love

Saturday, December 14, 2019


Sometimes I just feel humbled

     Thank you everyone for all your kind words and wishes on our 50th anniversary.
     As they say in my favorite Christmas movie, "No man is a failure who has friends."
     Thank you Clarence.   And everyone else.

Love and Peace

Friday, December 13, 2019


Life is full of numbers

     Like 50.  Nice round number.  Half a century.  Go back 50 years, to Dec. 13, 1969.
     Two kids got married. 
     There was a war going on in Southeast Asia, man had recently landed on the moon, the Cubs blew an almost insurmountable lead to the Mets, Nixon  was in the Oval Office, and Jackie and I were in school.
     We have come a long way in the last 50 years, but sometimes I still feel like that kid getting married.  A little scared, a lot nervous, and wondering if the Cubs will ever win a pennant...again.
     So far, nearly 170,000 visits have been recorded for this blog.  More than I expected, but then I never figured I would still be doing it since I hardly finish anything.
     2 and 1 and 1.
     Two wonderful daughters, an amazing son in law, and a talented grand daughter.
     71...years on this wonderful planet.
     Zillions....people who we have met along the way who have become friends, offered help, given encouragement, taken us under their wings, stuck with us through it all.  At least it seems like zillions.
     1....grateful guy.
Peace and Love

Thursday, December 12, 2019


I don't think this was a day to remember

     I had to buy and mail a card and deposit some checks in the bank today.
     I left the house without the checks.  and without my phone.
     The second time I left, I went to the bank then to my favorite little store to buy some honey.  I told the people there I was on my way the post office to mail a card, then realized I had forgotten to buy the card!
     Making matters even worse, the day before I had been in the shop and mentioned to one of the ladies that her hair was different, much darker than normal.  And her face was a little different.  Now, I have known these people for years....years.....   At some point, I realized I was talking to someone I did not know!  I told them this today and we all laughed at it, but it does worry me a little.
     I sometimes have so much on my mind, I jettison the stuff that doesn't seem necessary.  I did not say important, just necessary.  Like names.  And faces.  And where I put my car keys.  And radio interviews.
     At least I did not lose any checks today.  And I found my way home.  Those are always pluses.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Tuesday was a day to remember

     Unfortunately, at my age that is not a given.
     If I don't write it down, I probably won't remember it.
     Like the 7:30 a.m. radio interview on Monday.  Or the high school breakfast today.  Or the card I was supposed to buy and mail.
     None of it was written down, and none was remembered.  Getting old is no fun.
     Sadly, I have been forgetful most of my life.
     Picking up Julia was an interesting experience.  There is always such a range of emotion on display.
     One young girl was embraced by a woman who held onto her and just sobbed for several minutes.
     One person coming out of the doors waved excitedly to a woman behind me, who missed it all because she was on her phone.
     The people from Cancun who walked through the terminal in shorts, t shirts and sandals.....I hope they packed winter coats in their bags.  Somehow, I doubt it.
     I have often wondered why O'Hare  has signs  only in English.  Maybe some of the foreign travelers would appreciate a "welcome" or "this way" in their native language.
     Some guy was walking with his luggage when a cart pusher almost ran into him.  The pusher started yelling in Spanish, and the man with the luggage said, "Nice welcome to Chicago."
     The international terminal is a free lunch buffet of watching the human spirit.       Sometimes I am amazed, sometimes confused, but always entertained.
Peace and Love

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

what a day

I had a great day today

     First of all, Julia came home!  Emily and I picked her up at the airport and took her back to our house, where,  with John and Camryn, we had pizza and talked and laughed.
     But, 23 hours awake makes one a little tired, so she went to bed early.   The problem will be at 4 a.m. when she wakes up and is bored.
     Before the airport, Emily an I went to the market downtown.
     People ask me why I like going, and my answer is because it puts me in a Christmas mood.  Or maybe it's the wine.
     Any way, had some schnitzel, some snowballs and a little wine before we did some shopping.
     By the way, we drove to Cumberland on the Kennedy and parked the car then rode the Blue Line downtown.  We were only 10 minutes from the airport and did not have to battle the rush hour traffic or pay the exorbitant downtown parking rates.
     Here was part of my day.

I love reflections.....

Market was not really crowded.

My blue eyed doll 

Cold enough for the birds to seek heat

This can't be normal

At the airport....always a good time (arrivals at least)

Monday, December 9, 2019


I may find it hard to sleep tonight

     I know Santa is on his way.....he has lots of toys and goodies in his sleigh.
     But Julia is on her way home too!  Emily and I are picking her up at the airport about 5:30 tomorrow.
     It's funny seeing her just a couple of times a year.
     When she first went to Switzerland, I was devastated.  I cried when we left her at the airport, I cried when I walked into her room..... I was always blubbering.
     But now, it is so expected that she leave and return to her home over there.  I don't like it, but I don't blubber so much.
     When waiting for her at the International Terminal, it is always amazing to watch the people greeting relatives who they have not seen for a while.     Grandparents meeting grand kids for the first time, brothers seeing each other after a long separation, a whole string of emotions gets put on very public display.
     Who knows, I may even be one of them tomorrow.
Love and Peace

Sunday, December 8, 2019


I tend to put off things until the last possible second

     Sometimes, hell, often it is rather embarrassing.
     For example, last May John, Emily and I took part in an MS walk in St. Charles.  We raised about $1,200 from family and friends.
     I have thank you notes on my pile in the den.  Some are written, some are written and addressed and one is even written, addressed and stamped.  In addition, I have seen the people several times and never given them their cards.
     Just started a Christmas letter.....maybe even one I like.
     Have yet to put up my train ornament tree....still sitting in pieces waiting.
     I have to get three referrals for upcoming doctor visits.....have not yet called for referrals, so I can't schedule appointments.
     When I taught, I often did lesson plans on Sunday night....for the previous week.  I just never seem to get around to finishing things or dealing with paper.
     On Oct.  30 I signed up for three months of the fitness center at the local hospital.  I have not gone yet.  My membership is almost expired.
     I don't think I will change.  At almost 72, it's a habit that will not be easily stamped out of my life.
     So......when you get things late from me, just accept the fact that I don't always get it done on time.  Or at all.
     I am working on it.
Peace and Love

Saturday, December 7, 2019


You never know when you will meet a celebrity

Brad Pitt?  George Clooney?  Ellen The Generous?
But, still a celebrity.
I bet you will never guess where I was today!

Nature Cat and me!

Peace and Love

Friday, December 6, 2019


I have a problem

     Writer's block.  I have trouble getting a topic for this, for the Sunday column, for the Christmas letter.
     Every year I do 2 Christmas letters.  A funny one, and a real one.  I don't know if people read either one.
     I wish I had saved the early ones.
     My first was when Julia was still at home.  I began with a normal greeting, and every paragraph got wilder and wilder until I ran out of space.
     We didn't send it to everyone on our list, but I got a couple of calls from family members asking why they didn't get a copy, so I sent it to everyone on the list after that.
     But his is the latest I have ever started a letter.  The One Who Must Be Obeyed said it had to be done this week and mailed by next Friday.  I don't know if I have time to do that.
     Mainly because I don't have any idea what to do.
     Time will tell....but I seem to be blocked with a B.
     Hopefully some inspiration will come to me.
Peace and Love

Thursday, December 5, 2019

spritz fitz

I thought I had done it again

     I thought I had lost something, again.   This time, the dough gun we use to make spritz cookies disappeared.  It was not in any of the Christmas boxes.  I looked in all the cabinets, on the pantry shelves, everywhere I could look.      Nothing.
     In desperation, I went downstairs for the third time and saw a plastic tub with only three items in it:  two plates and a cookie press!
     The lost is found.  Why it was in a box by almost itself is a question to be addressed later.
     Hopefully tomorrow we can finish putting out Christmas.  It really takes over the house and with the short time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, it has been a struggle for me.
     But there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
     I just hope it's not a train.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

energy abounds

I sometimes forget how much energy kids have

     I had my mentoring session with my second grader today, and he was a constant bundle of energy.
     When I was in the hallway, the teeming crowds of students all seemed to have so much more energy than I remember when I taught.
     Maybe it's just me, huh?
     I delivered my poinsettias today, and we made two batches of cookies, which seems to have tired me out.
     Or maybe it was the lack of sleep last  night.
     Talk about weird dreams.  Corki brought in a friend who had six legs and three body parts, all white, with what looked like pipe cleaners connecting or separating them.  For some reason, (maybe it was because this new creature went behind the refrigerator and would not come out) that dream upset me to the point of waking me up.  I slept little after that.
     But the Dickens village still stands.
     And so do I, but only for a little while.  I'm going to bed before 11!
Peace and Love

The village atop the table John built for Jackie two years ago.

Nephew Fred's house

Uh....some thing's not right.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

dickens be damned

I have a love/hate relationship with Charles Dickens

     I love Christmas Carol.  I read it every year, starting around Thanksgiving.  But this year I have not even gotten the book out yet.  I am still reading A Confederacy of Dunces, which is a very unusual book.  Great characters, interesting plot, wonderful use of New Orleans as a backdrop.....but it is taking a long time to get through it.  Can't seem to find the time to read lately.
     Anyway, Dickens.
     How can you not get the Christmas spirit when you read about Tiny Tim being saved because Scrooge realized life was not all about money, but family and friends and love.
     We have a lot of Department 56 Dickens Christmas Carol pieces and that is where the hate part starts.  They are hard to set up, the street lights are almost impossible to keep upright and because I am clumsy, parts are being chipped.
     Then the love drifts back in because when it is done, I love it.  Jackie loves it.  Heck, even Corki would love it if dogs had any sense.
     We finished putting out the pieces today.  Now maybe I can find time to read about Scrooge and Fred and Bob........maybe.
Peace and Love

Monday, December 2, 2019

canaries in the coal mine

I was saddened by a picture I saw today

     Part of the road that circles Mackinac Island collapsed after being pounded by waves caused by high winds.
     If you don't know, some of the lakes are at historic high levels and erosion along the shores is becoming pretty common.  And worrisome.
     I believe the climate is changing, and I believe that we humans are a major reason for that change.  Yes, there have been ice ages and glaciers in the past that have covered much of North America.  But the freezing and melting happened over thousands of years.  The changes now are in the last 100 years.
     It's not only Mackinac Island.  Venice has been hit by historic flooding this year, again, rising sea levels are part of the reason.
     I love Mackinac Island.  I was always happy to be a "fudgie" on the island when Jackie and I took our post school vacations there so many years ago.
     I will always have happy memories of riding around the island.  I just hope future generations will also have happy memories.
     To be honest, I love Venice too......but that sinking city isn't in my heart the way Mackinac Island is.
     But if we don't change our ways, it may only be in pictures that people will see the road millions of bike tires have travelled, or the beauty of St. Mark's Square and its hoards of pigeons.

Peace and Love

Sunday, December 1, 2019

time flies

I just realized it is after 11

     So much for my plan to get to bed earlier.
     What gets me is...... I did not do a thing today!  Yes, I picked up a scooter and delivered a calendar, but that was it.
     I just don't understand where the time goes.
     Today was Dickens Village day....but that did not happen.  It has to tomorrow.
     But what if Annie was wrong?
     Oh well...one more day lost in a fog.
Peace and Love

Saturday, November 30, 2019


We got our Christmas tree today

     Ever since I can remember, we have had a live tree at Christmas.  At least when we have been home for Christmas.  Two times we did go to Disney World, so we did not put up a tree those years.
     It was misty and rainy today.  John took me.  Actually, it was John's second trip to our house because someone needed to be picked up around 7:30.  Funny, I was sleeping in my chair in the den because I have a cold and I don't cough as much with my head up.  I heard someone knocking on the door, and went to see what all the noise was.  It was Jackie, laying on the bathroom floor banging her walker on the floor.  I did not hear her calling me, but I sure heard the knocking.       I thank my lucky stars each time she does this and comes away uninjured.
     John and I went to the tree farm, and found a tree that looked really nice.    Straight.  Looked full.  About 8 feet tall. 
     So he cut it down and I paid. (More than I wanted to or should have, but it was rainy and I did not want to get caught in a downpour.  Bad choice.)  Got it home and put it up right away.
     I think the tree we saw in the field was switched.  I don't know how, cause we watched it get shaken and netted, but this tree certainly does not resemble the amazing tree we saw.
    But it is up.  And decorated. And Christmas is coming.
Peace and Love

Bison at the zoo

Not a spaceship, but a greenhouse

Perfect tree

What happened?
A couple of nights ago

Friday, November 29, 2019

dang it!

I missed a deadline today

     For those of you who don't know, I do a weekly column  in the Rochelle News Leader.   Every Sunday, my opinions and thoughts get shared with hundreds of thousands of readers.  I am sure they all find me incredibly funny, insightful, and informative.  Well, at least 5.
     I write the column Wednesday and Thursday and send it Thursday night for the paper.   Every week.
     Twice in the past year I have missed deadlines.....and both times it has been Thanksgiving.
     I should have done the column Wednesday and sent it.  But I got busy.  I simply forgot about it Thursday, mainly because I was so busy cutting pies and eating turkey.
    I got home from the zoo today and eventually got to checking e mail and there was the note saying, where's the column?
    By then it was too late.  So for the second Thanksgiving in  a row, I missed a deadline.
     Next year I will figure out a better way to do things.
    By the way, if you don't subscribe to a local paper, you should.  You will get news about what is going on in the city, in the schools, in the county and you will be able to see who died and who was arrested. 
     Most papers have an on line edition available, but I still like the print copy.  Something about the feel of a paper and the ability to hold it up and scan the entire page at one time.
     And yes, I do look for typos. 
    Including ones in a column I typed.
    But there are never mistakes in the ones I forget.
Peace and Love

Thursday, November 28, 2019


I ate too much today

     Good food, good friends, good football game, good weather.....all in all it was a good day.
     And I am not being persnickety.
     Only part I missed was visiting with Julia.....somehow that just escaped us.  I have to send her my grocery list, time is running short!
      For dessert we had a choice of cupcakes, cherry pie, apple pie, pumpkin pie and cherry bars......a veritable sweet fest.
     If you aren't doing anything Friday night, stop by for some pie!
     Funny thing about that.  People rarely stop by just to visit.  But this week Bob and Diane came just as we were leaving for an appointment in Sycamore!  I wish we had some time to visit, but we had to go.  Then Debby dropped by and I was still in my pajamas!
     I better start getting dressed earlier.
     Hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving.
     I am tired...and sated!
Peace and Love

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

where are my expandable pants?

I think tomorrow will be a problem for me

     I tend to eat more than I should.  Way more.  I have been trying to cut back, but tomorrow will be a test.
     We were going to make a pumpkin pie to go with an apple pie.  But I convinced Jackie we should buy one.  Making it is a lot of work for me, and I already have enough.
     So she called a bakery in Oregon and ordered a pumpkin pie.
     So we are going to have apple and pumpkin.  And the cupcakes that I got after Chuck won them at Rotary.
     Jackie's brother Bob is a cherry pie eater.  So whenever he came, we would have cherry pie.  I love cherry pie.  But since Bob is living where the frost don't sting, we never have cherry pie.
     Imagine my surprise when I picked up the pie and discovered she had ordered  a cherry pie to surprise me!
     When I got home she was also surprised.  She did not remember even mentioning cherry pie when she ordered.
     Oh well.......dessert is about 5.   Feel free to stop.
Peace and Love and Happy Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

winner winner, chicken dinner

This was a pretty lucky day

     How lucky was it?
     The doorbell rang about 10 and a wonderful woman named Debby dropped off some cream puffs for Jackie and me!  (You know who she is, don't you?)      Well, thank you very much.  They are absolutely divine.
     Then I got a phone call from WRHL.  When they had the food drive last week, I dropped off a donation and filled out an entry blank for a drawing.  I won!  The prize box was from Pepsi and included a 12 pack, a Blue tooth speaker, a great sweatshirt, and a Chicago Bears' football with an autograph from a current player!
     I went to Rotary and every week I say I am going to win the football pool drawing and pick the Sunshine Bakery cupcakes.  Well, I didn't win, but Rotarian Chuck won and gave them to me!  Thank you, my friend!
     Honestly, this is the most up beat I have felt in a while.
     So basking in the glow of great luck, I bought a lottery ticket and the most nonamazing thing happened.  Every upper has a downer.  I didn't win!
     But if I had, I would have spent the $200 million in a very creative manner.
Peace and Love

Monday, November 25, 2019

what's in your closet?

I don't always understand modern life

     Like why valve and salve don't rhyme. 
     Or Poshmark.
     I see the commercials on late night TV.  Some young person, usually a female, tells us she made enough to buy a car, take a family vacation, pay for her wedding, or do a number of other great things simply by selling stuff in her closet.
     Or the commercial where the lady says she only paid $100 for the $700 boots.
     All I keep thinking is if the person selling the clothing hadn't bought the clothing in the first place, they would have been driving that car or taken that vacation already. 
     How much clothing do you have to sell to earn $10,000?  If I sold every item of myclothing in my closet, dresser drawers, and tubs in the basement, I would not net $10.  Well, maybe someone would pay more for the ripped jeans I wear in the yard.  But not a lot more.
     I do need to get serious about selling stuff on line, however.  I have small antiques, and knick knacks that someone may be interested in having.  But I doubt I'll earn enough to buy a car or pay for a family vacation.  It would be nice if I did, but it would also be a great surprise.
     So....where would you sell your unwanted items?  I'd appreciate your suggestions.
Peace and Love

Sunday, November 24, 2019

a present? for me?

You know I love the Beatles

     Wait...the Beatles or The Beatles?  I think just Beatles.
     But if I say I love Beatles, then people might hear me and think dung beetles or June bugs.  Whatever.
     I love their music.  The Beatles, not the June bugs, although that would be a cute name for a group.
     I listen to the Beatles on Sirius almost constantly.  I plan to visit Liverpool next summer and see the Cavern Club, John's home, Paul's home, Penny Lane and the barbershop and hopefully the Casbah Coffee Club.
     Today on the radio they played the boxed set newly released by Apple Records.  The set features all the Beatles singles.....each with a unique jacket.     Sirius played them in the order they were released, and it was interesting that "I Want to Hold Your Hand" was the fourth or fifth single, but the one that brought them into the spotlight.
     I don't want this set.
     First off, it is on vinyl.  I don't have a record player.
     Second, it is well over $200. 
     Third, they are all singles.  Yes, singles.  You get something like 186 individual records, all the size of a 45 but with a small hole in the center so you don't need an adapter.
     I guess you play them one at a time.....which is also a pain.  I remember those days!  I did have one of those adapters that allowed me to stack several 45s and have them play one after another, but sometimes two records fell and some times none fell.  Good times.
     So...scratch that off my list.  It is too much money and too much trouble.
     But so much music......
    Good times, my friends.  Good times.
Peace and Love

Saturday, November 23, 2019


The world is a crazy place

     I saw an ad on Facebook tonight that amazed me.
     Maybe it was the Russians, or some prankster.  But the product was a snuggle suit with a built in beanie chair so you could sit down anywhere.
     It looked incredibly dumb and the people wearing it looked like they had an abnormal rear end.   Part of me says it was a joke, but then the other part of me says a sucker is born every minute.
     The makers of Uno, the card game, have changed colors.  The red and blue cards will be replaced by orange and purple in a "nonpartisan" version of the game.
     Really?  Playing Uno causes people to be in political camps based on the color of the cards?  And changing the color will somehow make that Draw Two more palatable if you are a Republican being hit by a Democrat?  I think not.
     I seem to have forgotten something.
     Yesterday was Julia's brthday.  No, I did not forget her birthday.
     But I did forget the day....Nov. 22.  1963.  The day Camelot died and our world was changed forever.
     I just wish Oswald would have told the world why he did it. 
     I never thought I would forget what happened that day......but I did.  It wasn't until mid day before I realized what I had done.
     Kind of sad in a way, but totally understandable.  I  think.
Peace and Love

Friday, November 22, 2019

fun times

Today was a pretty interesting day

     First off, nobody fell.  That's a big deal in our house lately.
     Second, I spent a couple hours in the morning packing up bags for the needy family Thanksgiving food drive.  We packed about 250 bags with canned goods, rice, beans, and other items.  Plus each person will get a turkey, some potatoes, and other groceries donated by local businesses.
     Then.....we visited two friends with scooters.  We wanted to see what options are available.  One person has a scooter that we can have if we want it.  It is heavy, so I don't think I can move it in and out of the car.
     The other person has a scooter that disassembles into three relatively light parts that can then be loaded in the car or taken on a plane.  That is their scooter, and is used.  But we have the name of the company that sells them.
     All this is new to us, but something we have to consider.
     I got to thinking that maybe we get both and have two scooters, one for use in the car and the other for use in the home.  Seems kind of extravagant actually.
     We also gave Corki a bath.  Actually, a shower.  She would not talk to us for a couple of hours but seems to be ok now.  Plus she smells better.
     Tomorrow I am taking her to the vet because she is scooting.  Could be allergies, could be something else.  We just want to be sure.
     And weirdly, our electricity popped on and off about 4 times.  Every time I reset the microwave and oven clocks, it went out again.  Never for long....just enough to irritate a person.  Yesterday it was out for about 2 hours.  Wonder what's up?
     I did go out last night to see the meteor shower but the clouds made that impossible.  Seems every time there is a celestial event, it is cloudy.
     There was a cartoon character...Joe Btfsplk in Andy Capp....and sometimes I think he is me.  Or verse visa.
Peace and Love

Thursday, November 21, 2019

let there be light

I put up Christmas lights today

     I need someone to spain sometin to me, Lucy.
     I have 30 strands of lights.  I test the all before I put them away.  If they don't work, I don't put them away.
     So why are 3 strands not working this year?  Seriously.....they have not been used in 11 months, how can they burn out?
     I know almost all of the stuff is made in China.  That always makes me kind of laugh.  We buy billions of dollars of Christmas stuff made in a country where they don't celebrate the holiday, and probably don't understand why we Americans keep buying the stuff.
     We are of the older generation that still sends Christmas cards, and it was hard to find cards made in the USA.  I know that sounds trite....but if we can't produce Christmas cards in this country, we are in trouble.
     And maddeningly, it is our choice.  we don't have to buy the made in China stuff.  We can find alternatives....unless it is electronics, cell phones, can openers.  Oh my gosh, there is not much choice!
     Thanks to Julia, I have tickets for the Cubs and St. Louis in London next June.  It should be a fun time.
     Anyone with a week or two to spare is welcome to camp out at my house and help out Jackie.   Just sayin.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

wow....really wow

I am deeply grateful for all  the comments

     Yesterday I had a bit of a pity party, partly out of fear, partly out of frustration.
     It is what it is.
     Thank you all for your offers of help, your phone numbers, your suggestions, your caring.
     We do appreciate it.
     I know all the trite sayings, things are always darkest before the storm; the sum will come up tomorrow; count your blessings, it could be worse. 
     And I know God doesn't answer all prayers.  If he could, my wife would be walking around the house these days and I wouldn't be a frustrated old man playing solitaire at 1 a.m.
     If you are female, please take vitamin D.  Articles I have read seem to say that D could prevent MS.  I would say take a lot of it, but I will leave that to Emily the pharmacist to voice a suggestion.
     There are worse diseases, but it is hard to measure the impact MS has on a person, their family, their friends, their lifestyle.
     Going out to eat is hard because handicapped restrooms don't always accommodate a person with a handicap.  Stores often cram so much stuff in their aisles that getting a wheelchair or scooter between the racks is impossible.  Simple acts, like opening a door, become a challenge.
     And the biggest fear....that of abandonment, or placement in a facility, which are often viewed as the same.
      I told Jackie we are not going anywhere.  It won't be easy, but we'll tough it out.
     All your good thoughts will help us through it.
Peace and Love

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

not enough words

I am in a quandary of sorts tonight

     I know, Dickow is a funny guy.  But not tonight.
     I had to take the German back up to Rockford because the brakes were really soft.
     My phone rang while I was in the bathroom at the dealership.  By the time I got back to my phone, Jackie had hung up.
     I tried calling but did not get through.
      Tried the house phone, but could not get an answer.
     Eventually she Facetimed me using her watch.
     She fell in the bathroom. 
     I called John, but he was in Sycamore.  So Kevin and Mary Kay came to the rescue and Emily took off from work to help.
     Jackie is not hurt.  She landed softly.  It's the fifth time in the last month she has fallen.  We are dodging bullets.
     It is clear we have to make changes in our living situation.  After talking with Emily, we thought it would be good to have additional help at times.  Also, getting an electric scooter to facilitate movement around the house would be helpful.  Possibly having some physical therapy in home a couple of times a week to build up balance and maybe prevent further deterioration of her mobility.
     So tomorrow we start the challenge of getting more help.
     I tell you, it was frightening to be away from home, not knowing what her situation was because she was all alone.
     I have said so many times before, I hate MS.  I hate what it has done to my wife, to my family, our friends, me.........  I can also say I am frustrated, and scared. 
   That's all I have tonight.
Peace and Love

Monday, November 18, 2019

techi, I am not

Electronics baffle me

     I am doing a short presentation to a group on Wednesday.  I wanted to download pictures to use.
     I picked the pictures, then ordered them.  I saved them as a slide show....and they immediately went out of order.
     I tried saving them to a thumb drive without doing a slide show....and they immediately went out of order.,
     John suggested I renumber them.....so I did.
     Plugged it into the TV where I am doing the presentation and.....out of order.
     Three people worked for over an hour to figure how to just open the thumb drive and show the pictures.  We can now do it, but the pictures are in edit mode.       That should not be a problem.
     Now I have 6 slide shows to delete.  I can't see a delete slide show option.      The Apple people say click and go to the drop down menu and find delete.  I can't find the drop down menu.
     This should not be so difficult.  I am obviously missing a step.  Or 4.
     I am not the only one in this household challenged either.
     During my migraine, I thought I would watch a little Thursday night football.  Jackie put it on and I'm sitting there thinking.....this is in Spanish!  I went to another TV and same channel, but in English.
     And someone seems to have found the option for vision impaired people watching television.  I honestly thought it was film noir.....  "Yes, I am leaving."  Jason walks to the door.  He opens the door and turns to Jessica, his eyebrows raised in a questioning manner.  "Where are the books"  Jessica brings him 84 books that he had stacked on his desk.  He leaves, closing the door behind him.
     It almost makes me want to adopt a teenager just so we can figure all this crap out.
Peace and Love

Sunday, November 17, 2019

catching up

It's amazing what time away from something does

     I had a migraine for three days.....so I did not spend much time on the computer.  Did not read the paper, or check Facebook endlessly, or browse through my Yahoo e-mail.
     If I had gone to Yahoo mail, I would have found 193 e-mails!  That is the account we use when buying stuff, so 95 percent of the Yahoo stuff was advertising or promotional material.
     But I did get one offer from a lady in Africa who has some sort of mine she has to sell....it sound like a great opportunity.
     I also fell a little behind on laundry.  That is almost caught up.  And housework in general.  Even though the house was cleaned Thursday, living with a dog that sheds means floors have to be cleaned.  I have not kept up with that.
     All is getting back to normal however.  Tomorrow I will tackle the 4 days of dishes....just kidding, only today's.
     After watching the Bear game, I opted to not do anything in the kitchen for fear I would start throwing stuff.  What a terrible game.
     Again, thank you for all you kind words.  It's nice to know I have friends.
Peace and Love

Saturday, November 16, 2019


I think I hit the end of migraine week

     Just in  time too.  We had an Exit 99 show tonight and I was a little nervous.
I stopped for coffee at Cypress House and had a double shot of espresso...and my headache disappeared!  Thanks, Amy, for the fix!
     Our show was funny.  At least, I thought it was.  I really enjoy doing this because the people I am with are amazing.  Funny, smart, and willing to put up with an old guy.  Did I mention talented?  We have been doing this for a while and I just enjoy being with them.
     On my way to let the dogs out, I saw a huge racked buck along Skare Road.    On my way back, I got he camera ready just in case....but no luck.  He had a rack dat would stretch across da whole state!
     Anyway, thanks for all the good wishes and caring thoughts.  I am documenting the migraines and I will go to a doctor next time.
     Some pictures from the past week and more.

Peace and Love

Concept for an action figure...carrot robot man, complete with shooting tentacles!

Not that's a carrot!

How I spent the last three days..hot tea, ice pack, blindfold and man's best friend

I was up at 2 a.m. and saw this guy at my bird feeder

Moony night.....is the blue blob a UFO?

Friday, November 15, 2019

day 3

Might be on the road to recovery

Did not feel bad today, at least until about an hour ago.
Ate food, rested, now I think I'll head for bed.
Thanks for all your good wishes and suggestions.  They are appreciated.
Peace and Love

Thursday, November 14, 2019

day 2

Still not 100 percent

     Currently I feel better, but still have a headache.  I am skipping the zoo tomorrow, because I just don't know how good I'll feel and a 90 minute drive might not be a good idea.
     Lots of liquids, ice packs on my head, sleeping most of the afternoon, and maybe the worst is over.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

snooozy day

I spent most of  the day asleep

     I woke up with dizziness and nausea, followed by a headache.  I went back to sleep in my chair until noon, then slept for most of the afternoon.  It's about 11 now, and the headache is still there, but the nausea and dizziness are almost gone.
     Adding to my misfortune, someone decided to miss the toilet with her body, so John had to come over and help pick her up.  Then I accidentally called Chicago John and could not figure out why my phone was talking to me.
     We also learned today a fellow parishioner at St. Paul passed away.  He was a good soul and will be missed.
     This is a day that could not have happened and I would be happy.
Peace and Love

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


It's a beautiful night

     Ok, it is a little cool.  But the moon...amazing.  It is so bright,  I always expect to see deer or other critters wandering across the fields, but I never do.
     The other night I heard an owl hooting to the north, and another responding from the south,  It was very neat.  I was going to say cool, but that might have been the experience or the temperature.  I used neat to be clear, yet ambiguous.  Got it?
     I went outside with the dog tonight.   Jackie worries about coyotes eating little Corki, so I often go out with her.
     Tonight I put my old shearling coat on and stepped out.  I was so warm!     Except for my legs, which were stinging.  But my upper part was toasty.  I forget how warm the coat can be.
     Here's a puzzle.  Got in my car today and found a name tag on the front seat.  It said Ed.  The handwriting was not mine.  Name tag was not used.
     Why was it in my front seat?  Damn strange.
     And I had a Popeye's classic chicken sandwich tonight....that was a damn good sandwich!  I really liked it.
     With that happy thought, I think I will wear my coat to bed tonight.
Peace and Love

Monday, November 11, 2019

what do they know?

I get strange pop ups on Facebook

     Recently I have been getting them for a retirement community in North Carolina.
     The houses look nice, all outside maintenance included in the HOA fee.  Plus, it is warmer and not as snowy as here.
     I thought of that today as I was creeping along Flagg Road.  I had an appointment to take the German into the dealer for an oil change.  It usually takes me less than 10 minutes to reach town...took a little over 20 today. 
     Yes, I should have cancelled and waited for a more Novembery day.  But I am not very smart in  those things.
     I made it on time and then waited while they performed the estimated 90 minutes of service.
     The showroom was the coldest place I have been in lately...must have had the heat (?) on 60.  150 minutes later, my car was ready.
     Seems they drained the brake fluid, but the machine they use broke and they had to do it manually.  Then there was air in the system, so they had to redrain it and start all over.
     By the time I got home, my driveway had been plowed, I was hungry, and had a little headache from reading while waiting.
     Flagg Road was better.....but not great.  There was another car in the ditch, so it was still slick.
     As I sit here, the wind is howling.  My toes are cold.  And North Carolina is looking pretty good.
Peace and Love

Sunday, November 10, 2019


Sometimes I don't see too good

     Which explains why when I sign into my Walgreen's account I sign is a Terru.  The U is next to the Y and sometimes I hit the wrong key.
     Not that there is anything wrong with being called Terru.  I have been called worse.  As the old comedian, last name Johnson, would say:  Call me Terry, call me Terru, just don't call me late to supper.
     I just learned a new hick name for my age group.  Boomer.  As in OK Boomer.  I had never heard the expression before, unless you include the days when former NFL QB Boomer Essaison (or however you spell it) was calling games.
     Today I learned it is a nickname, usually derogatory.  I also learned it is going out of style.  So I learned something that is already outdated.
     Go figure.
     I use spell check a lot.
     It gets frustrating when I spell a word correctly and it pops up as wrong when I type this blog drivel.  For example. learned always comes up as wrong with the correction learn ed.  Totally wrong.
     Last night I misspelled also as als and the corrections came up ally alley, and ails, but not also.  I also spelled temperature incorrectly.  I spelled it temperaque and the choices given for correct spelling were temperature and deprecatory.     Tonight neither are given as options.  Seriously?  Must be a jokester programming the spell check.
     Goingto bed early.....need to get a head start on the 67 inches of snow we are going to get and the -90 temps.  Maybe it will be windy as well.
     Oh...the US is pulling out of the Paris climate agreement.  Not to worry, our weather s fine.   And s is apparently ok instead of is, because it did not come up as a mistake...although spelled does.  Go figure.
     Peace and Love