Wednesday, December 4, 2019

energy abounds

I sometimes forget how much energy kids have

     I had my mentoring session with my second grader today, and he was a constant bundle of energy.
     When I was in the hallway, the teeming crowds of students all seemed to have so much more energy than I remember when I taught.
     Maybe it's just me, huh?
     I delivered my poinsettias today, and we made two batches of cookies, which seems to have tired me out.
     Or maybe it was the lack of sleep last  night.
     Talk about weird dreams.  Corki brought in a friend who had six legs and three body parts, all white, with what looked like pipe cleaners connecting or separating them.  For some reason, (maybe it was because this new creature went behind the refrigerator and would not come out) that dream upset me to the point of waking me up.  I slept little after that.
     But the Dickens village still stands.
     And so do I, but only for a little while.  I'm going to bed before 11!
Peace and Love

The village atop the table John built for Jackie two years ago.

Nephew Fred's house

Uh....some thing's not right.

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