Saturday, December 28, 2019

what haopened?

I just realized how much has changed in my life

     Ten years ago I would have spent the day on the couch watching college football.  Here it is, 10 p.m. and I don't even know who is playing!  I guess one team scored a bunch of points and will play for the national championship, but I don't know when that is either.
     The Chicago Bulls are still playing basketball.  I used to listen to them on the radio and watch them on tv, but now, I don't really care.
     Ten years ago I was hoping to make it to I hope to make it to 80.
     I would have been reading A Christmas Carol, swilling egg not by the quart, watching all sorts of movies in the past.  This year, I have not even watched the movie let along picked up the book and I may be on my first quart of nog.
     Ten years ago I would not be spending time on Facebook, scrolling through dozens of posts of people wanting to buy and sell things.  Some of the stuff they are selling is pretty sad looking.  Yet, I have posted on there.  (I still have a treadmill and 2 foot square columns.  The treadmill is free and would make a great trade in on a new one.  The columns would be great in a new house or theater.........)
     Funny how life goes, isn't it?
     We are always changing....sometimes for the better, sometimes it's just a change.
     Time for some egg nog.
Peace and Love

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