Wednesday, December 25, 2019

366 days until Christmas

Well, this was a pretty special day

     I am truly blessed.  My family was together, and that means the world to me.
Emily, Julia, John, Camryn....that's really all the presence I need at Christmas.  (Note the clever play on words?  Presents/presence?  Good, huh?)
     I did get neat stuff, but I will not brag or bore you with details.
     We had some friends over for dinner and really had a great time visiting and talking.  And eating.
     I did three things I don't recall ever doing on Christmas.
     I rode 5 miles on my bike.  Outside. That put me at just over 300 miles for the year.  'That is about half of my goal, but still mentally  it feels better than saying 295 miles.
     Then....I let other people clean up!  I ALWAYS clear the table and do the dishes.  Every dinner, I do that because these people are guests in our house.  But today, whether due to the overindulgence of appetizers and food, I fell asleep!      As I slept, the crew cleaned up the table, put away leftovers, loaded and started the dishwasher and hand washed a bunch of dishes that don't go in the dishwasher.
     Finally, I did not have dessert!  By the time the pies rolled out, I was so full I could not stuff another morsel in my mouth without causing some widespread fall out.  So I passed on angel food cake with cherries on top, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, and cookies!
     Truly, a Christmas miracle.
     I made it to bed by 2 a.m. and was up at 7, so maybe that is why I was tired.  I think I will be going to bed early....and soon.
     So....if I did not say it before, Merry Christmas.  Hope your day was a blessed one.
Peace and Love

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