Monday, December 16, 2019

like riding an elevator

I just can't shake whatever it is I have

     I have been this way for at least a week, maybe more.  Actually, I feel like I have had a cold since Thanksgiving.
     One minute I feel great, the next I feel miserable.  Sometimes I am hungry, but most of the time I am not.  I cough a lot for hours....then nothing.
     Hopefully tomorrow I get in to the doctor.  My regular doctor is off on Friday and was gone today, so he may be able to squeeze me in sometime.  I really don't want to go to urgent care, because I don't know them.  Call me crazy, but that is important to me.
     Julia has a cold...coughing, trouble sleeping.  But I think I had mine first.
     Worst time of the year to be sick....lots to do.
     Anyway, it's past 11 and I am still up.
     I had a hot toddy and some cough syrup, hopefully that puts me to sleep for the night.
Peace and Love

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