Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New Year

It's a milestone for me

     I started this blog in 2014 as a New Year's Resolution. 
     You see, I don't finish things.  I start something, then drop it and often don't return.  I have been that way my entire life.
     I spent a fortune on Revell car and other model kits as a kid.  I don't think I ever finished one.  I had a really cool steel MGB that was about a foot long.  I took it apart to paint it......and years later pops tossed it, along with all my unfinished models and  well read comic books, because I had gotten married, moved, had children and clearly was not coming back.
     I have four books that I am working on.  I have finished one, but when I sent it to a publisher I received an empty envelope in return.  I have another book finished, but I am still revising.  Molly Fader, I am not.
     You get the idea.
     But the blog.....I can't seem to stop.  I have thought about quitting on those nights I was tired, had too much wine, not enough wine, had nothing to say...and those nights I wanted to pour out my heart but didn't.
     I just want to say thank you to those who read this, whether it's every night, every morning, or once a week.   I appreciate your likes and your comments.
      But I most appreciate the support (and love) you have shown me and Jackie over the years.
     As we enter this new decade, I just have one wish.
     I want Barbara Walters to usher it in.  Can you hear her?  "This is Barbara Walters and this is 2020."
     It would just be cool.
     Happy New Year and blessings to you and your kin
Love and Peace

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