Friday, November 29, 2019

dang it!

I missed a deadline today

     For those of you who don't know, I do a weekly column  in the Rochelle News Leader.   Every Sunday, my opinions and thoughts get shared with hundreds of thousands of readers.  I am sure they all find me incredibly funny, insightful, and informative.  Well, at least 5.
     I write the column Wednesday and Thursday and send it Thursday night for the paper.   Every week.
     Twice in the past year I have missed deadlines.....and both times it has been Thanksgiving.
     I should have done the column Wednesday and sent it.  But I got busy.  I simply forgot about it Thursday, mainly because I was so busy cutting pies and eating turkey.
    I got home from the zoo today and eventually got to checking e mail and there was the note saying, where's the column?
    By then it was too late.  So for the second Thanksgiving in  a row, I missed a deadline.
     Next year I will figure out a better way to do things.
    By the way, if you don't subscribe to a local paper, you should.  You will get news about what is going on in the city, in the schools, in the county and you will be able to see who died and who was arrested. 
     Most papers have an on line edition available, but I still like the print copy.  Something about the feel of a paper and the ability to hold it up and scan the entire page at one time.
     And yes, I do look for typos. 
    Including ones in a column I typed.
    But there are never mistakes in the ones I forget.
Peace and Love

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