Wednesday, December 18, 2019 bad

Sometimes the little details of life escape me

     I go to an urologist.  A urologist?  Whatever.
     I see him twice a year, or so.  Older men have prostate issues.  I am an older man.
     I went to see him in September.  In November, I got a bill for $194.  I called the provider and they said I did not have a referral, so my claim was denied.
     I checked.  I did not have a referral.  It expired about 3 weeks before my appointment.
     I called insurance, because they had sent me a statement saying I did not owe anything Nice people at insurance explained  since the provider was a signed contract provider.  they can't send me a bill.  That's part of the contract.
     Provider says they will review case.
     Yesterday I get a call that I owe provider $194 because insurance denied my claim.   I call insurance.  They say, nope.  Provider is a signed contract provider.  It's their responsibility to be sure a referral is on file, and if it isn't they have 30 days after the appointment to ask for a post appointment referral.  SOP in the insurance world.
     Then the insurance lady provided the best explanation.  "They messed up and now they want the money from you to cover their mistake."
     Honestly, I hate the insurance stuff.  Referrals, preferred providers, in network, out of can get complicated, especially for older folks who might not be dealing with complete decks anymore. case is being reviewed again.  I expect another call in a month or so.
     In the meantime, I did ask for a referral because I am due for a visit in February.
     Such is life.
Peace and Love and Good Health

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