Friday, November 22, 2019

fun times

Today was a pretty interesting day

     First off, nobody fell.  That's a big deal in our house lately.
     Second, I spent a couple hours in the morning packing up bags for the needy family Thanksgiving food drive.  We packed about 250 bags with canned goods, rice, beans, and other items.  Plus each person will get a turkey, some potatoes, and other groceries donated by local businesses.
     Then.....we visited two friends with scooters.  We wanted to see what options are available.  One person has a scooter that we can have if we want it.  It is heavy, so I don't think I can move it in and out of the car.
     The other person has a scooter that disassembles into three relatively light parts that can then be loaded in the car or taken on a plane.  That is their scooter, and is used.  But we have the name of the company that sells them.
     All this is new to us, but something we have to consider.
     I got to thinking that maybe we get both and have two scooters, one for use in the car and the other for use in the home.  Seems kind of extravagant actually.
     We also gave Corki a bath.  Actually, a shower.  She would not talk to us for a couple of hours but seems to be ok now.  Plus she smells better.
     Tomorrow I am taking her to the vet because she is scooting.  Could be allergies, could be something else.  We just want to be sure.
     And weirdly, our electricity popped on and off about 4 times.  Every time I reset the microwave and oven clocks, it went out again.  Never for long....just enough to irritate a person.  Yesterday it was out for about 2 hours.  Wonder what's up?
     I did go out last night to see the meteor shower but the clouds made that impossible.  Seems every time there is a celestial event, it is cloudy.
     There was a cartoon character...Joe Btfsplk in Andy Capp....and sometimes I think he is me.  Or verse visa.
Peace and Love

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