Tuesday, December 24, 2019

the night before Christmas

 I am almost ready to settle in for the night

     Jackie and I went to church, drove around Rochelle looking at some lights, ate pizza, visited with John, Emily and Julia, and watched a little tv.
     Very little
     I am headed off to the basement.  No, it is not punishment.
     I have a tradition.  I watch "It's a Wonderful Life" and wrap a few presents while sipping egg nog.  Since I usually do that a bit later in the evening, Jackie is not quite up to staying awake and Julia isn't into George Bailey.
     At some point, I get drowsy and just stick stuff in bags, have another egg nog, and go to bed.
     I am getting an earlier start, it's not quite 10....and sometimes I don't get to bed until 1.  Hopefully, tonight it will be before midnight.
     So.....Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
Peace and Love

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