Saturday, November 30, 2019


We got our Christmas tree today

     Ever since I can remember, we have had a live tree at Christmas.  At least when we have been home for Christmas.  Two times we did go to Disney World, so we did not put up a tree those years.
     It was misty and rainy today.  John took me.  Actually, it was John's second trip to our house because someone needed to be picked up around 7:30.  Funny, I was sleeping in my chair in the den because I have a cold and I don't cough as much with my head up.  I heard someone knocking on the door, and went to see what all the noise was.  It was Jackie, laying on the bathroom floor banging her walker on the floor.  I did not hear her calling me, but I sure heard the knocking.       I thank my lucky stars each time she does this and comes away uninjured.
     John and I went to the tree farm, and found a tree that looked really nice.    Straight.  Looked full.  About 8 feet tall. 
     So he cut it down and I paid. (More than I wanted to or should have, but it was rainy and I did not want to get caught in a downpour.  Bad choice.)  Got it home and put it up right away.
     I think the tree we saw in the field was switched.  I don't know how, cause we watched it get shaken and netted, but this tree certainly does not resemble the amazing tree we saw.
    But it is up.  And decorated. And Christmas is coming.
Peace and Love

Bison at the zoo

Not a spaceship, but a greenhouse

Perfect tree

What happened?
A couple of nights ago

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