Sunday, December 29, 2019

typical Terry

When is it too late to send thank yous?

     I had intended to send thank you notes to the people who donated to the MS walk we took part in last May.
     In fact, I have a few thank you notes on the desk that I wrote....and never mailed.  I realized after about three months, that it was getting late for mailing them.  So I never did.
     Then something happened.
     About 3 years ago I did a favor for someone and appeared in a commercial.  No big thing, I was part of a group doing an activity.  The person who set up the shot thanked me and gave me a bag of goodies...mug, t shirt, stuff like that.
     Three years ago.
     Last week, in the Christmas wrapping frenzy, Julia was looking for a gift bag and picked up a green bag that had tissue paper.  She pulled out the tissue paper and there was a card addressed to me at the bottom of the bag.
     Inside, there was a $50 bill with a note of thanks for helping her.
     I guess I just missed the envelope.
     I am going to send a thank you with an explanation.
     If 3 years isn't too long,  then maybe, just maybe, I will get the ones finally finished from May.  Just don't hold your breath.
Peace and Love

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