Monday, December 30, 2019

Oh no....

Sometimes I don't communicate clearly

     There.  I admit it.
     I  found a special Christmas cookie  from Germany and Aldi's is the only place I know that carries them around here.
     The cookies are a buttery delight.  They come about 20 to a package and are priced at $1.69  or so.  But after Christmas, they go on sale for 49 cents, sometimes less. 
     So I buy as many as I can and freeze them  Then we eat a bag every couple of weeks.
     When I went to Aldi's the other day, they only had 3 packs left.  So I bought them and put them in the pantry.
     I also bought two other kinds of German cookies and put them in the pantry.
     Today Julia and Emily went shopping.  They asked if I wanted anything.  I said yes, buy  those German Christmas cookies if you happen to be in Aldi's.
     During the day they called and said they were at an Aldi's and there were plenty of cookies, so I said buy them.

     I now have 50 bags....OF THE WRONG COOKIES!!!!  \
     Yes, I had a bag of these in the closet.
     Yes, I should have been more specific about which of the 3 cookies I wanted.
     Yes, I need to be a better communicator.  To be honest, I forgot about the other two bags.
     Don't get me wrong, I like these.  Jackie likes these.  We will eat them.  Or most of them, anyway.
     Meanwhile, I'll be checking out the Sycamore Aldi's for the buttery ones.
     Sure, I will lose weight in 2020.
Peace and Love and cookies

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