Thursday, December 12, 2019


I don't think this was a day to remember

     I had to buy and mail a card and deposit some checks in the bank today.
     I left the house without the checks.  and without my phone.
     The second time I left, I went to the bank then to my favorite little store to buy some honey.  I told the people there I was on my way the post office to mail a card, then realized I had forgotten to buy the card!
     Making matters even worse, the day before I had been in the shop and mentioned to one of the ladies that her hair was different, much darker than normal.  And her face was a little different.  Now, I have known these people for years....years.....   At some point, I realized I was talking to someone I did not know!  I told them this today and we all laughed at it, but it does worry me a little.
     I sometimes have so much on my mind, I jettison the stuff that doesn't seem necessary.  I did not say important, just necessary.  Like names.  And faces.  And where I put my car keys.  And radio interviews.
     At least I did not lose any checks today.  And I found my way home.  Those are always pluses.
Peace and Love

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