Sunday, December 15, 2019

a little of this, a little of that

Life is a whirlwind!

     I spent part of the day helping put up the set for our upcoming show.
     I don't lift.  I am a holder and getter.  So my duties are kind of limited.  But I learned the youngins can do a much better job of lifting than an old geezer can.
     I missed the Bears' game, but I guess I did not miss a lot.  A could have, should have game.....typical of the season.
     I talked to my brother in law and his wife and my brother, all Florida residents basking in warm weather.  I enjoyed some fresh oranges my brother sent.  They are tasty.
     I also realized I had some pictures I wanted to share.  Not many more words, just some photo ops.

I have no idea what this building was.....but I think we knock down too many structures.

Set going up

What are you doing to me??????  Help, daddy, Help!!

Peace and Love

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