Monday, November 25, 2019

what's in your closet?

I don't always understand modern life

     Like why valve and salve don't rhyme. 
     Or Poshmark.
     I see the commercials on late night TV.  Some young person, usually a female, tells us she made enough to buy a car, take a family vacation, pay for her wedding, or do a number of other great things simply by selling stuff in her closet.
     Or the commercial where the lady says she only paid $100 for the $700 boots.
     All I keep thinking is if the person selling the clothing hadn't bought the clothing in the first place, they would have been driving that car or taken that vacation already. 
     How much clothing do you have to sell to earn $10,000?  If I sold every item of myclothing in my closet, dresser drawers, and tubs in the basement, I would not net $10.  Well, maybe someone would pay more for the ripped jeans I wear in the yard.  But not a lot more.
     I do need to get serious about selling stuff on line, however.  I have small antiques, and knick knacks that someone may be interested in having.  But I doubt I'll earn enough to buy a car or pay for a family vacation.  It would be nice if I did, but it would also be a great surprise.
     So....where would you sell your unwanted items?  I'd appreciate your suggestions.
Peace and Love

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