Sunday, November 17, 2019

catching up

It's amazing what time away from something does

     I had a migraine for three I did not spend much time on the computer.  Did not read the paper, or check Facebook endlessly, or browse through my Yahoo e-mail.
     If I had gone to Yahoo mail, I would have found 193 e-mails!  That is the account we use when buying stuff, so 95 percent of the Yahoo stuff was advertising or promotional material.
     But I did get one offer from a lady in Africa who has some sort of mine she has to sound like a great opportunity.
     I also fell a little behind on laundry.  That is almost caught up.  And housework in general.  Even though the house was cleaned Thursday, living with a dog that sheds means floors have to be cleaned.  I have not kept up with that.
     All is getting back to normal however.  Tomorrow I will tackle the 4 days of dishes....just kidding, only today's.
     After watching the Bear game, I opted to not do anything in the kitchen for fear I would start throwing stuff.  What a terrible game.
     Again, thank you for all you kind words.  It's nice to know I have friends.
Peace and Love

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