Friday, December 27, 2019

just wondering

Sometimes I get puzzled

     By now, most of you know that I am reluctant to toss out anything.
     Check out these two bottles of syrup.  Both are light, both are Karo, both are unopened.
     The only difference is the one on the right was bought this year.  The one on the left might have been bought this decade.   I tossed out the yellow Karo.

     Was it good?  Don't know.  Don't know if the yellowing is natural or if it just sat too long on the shelf.
     And maybe somebody can explain this

     It appears to be a pair of feet and a butt in our Christmas cactus.
     Dang kids.
     I also wonder why there are so many geese around.

     A gaggle of geese......and they are everywhere.  Years ago you would hardly see any, now they stay here year round, dropping goose poop everywhere.
     Had a zoo day today and stopped for a coffee at a local coffee shop.  Then went out to dinner in Cherry Valley with some friends and had a couple of glasses of pop.  My guess is, I will still be awake at 3.
     I will never learn.
Peace and Love

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