Friday, December 6, 2019


I have a problem

     Writer's block.  I have trouble getting a topic for this, for the Sunday column, for the Christmas letter.
     Every year I do 2 Christmas letters.  A funny one, and a real one.  I don't know if people read either one.
     I wish I had saved the early ones.
     My first was when Julia was still at home.  I began with a normal greeting, and every paragraph got wilder and wilder until I ran out of space.
     We didn't send it to everyone on our list, but I got a couple of calls from family members asking why they didn't get a copy, so I sent it to everyone on the list after that.
     But his is the latest I have ever started a letter.  The One Who Must Be Obeyed said it had to be done this week and mailed by next Friday.  I don't know if I have time to do that.
     Mainly because I don't have any idea what to do.
     Time will tell....but I seem to be blocked with a B.
     Hopefully some inspiration will come to me.
Peace and Love

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