Monday, November 18, 2019

techi, I am not

Electronics baffle me

     I am doing a short presentation to a group on Wednesday.  I wanted to download pictures to use.
     I picked the pictures, then ordered them.  I saved them as a slide show....and they immediately went out of order.
     I tried saving them to a thumb drive without doing a slide show....and they immediately went out of order.,
     John suggested I renumber I did.
     Plugged it into the TV where I am doing the presentation and.....out of order.
     Three people worked for over an hour to figure how to just open the thumb drive and show the pictures.  We can now do it, but the pictures are in edit mode.       That should not be a problem.
     Now I have 6 slide shows to delete.  I can't see a delete slide show option.      The Apple people say click and go to the drop down menu and find delete.  I can't find the drop down menu.
     This should not be so difficult.  I am obviously missing a step.  Or 4.
     I am not the only one in this household challenged either.
     During my migraine, I thought I would watch a little Thursday night football.  Jackie put it on and I'm sitting there thinking.....this is in Spanish!  I went to another TV and same channel, but in English.
     And someone seems to have found the option for vision impaired people watching television.  I honestly thought it was film noir.....  "Yes, I am leaving."  Jason walks to the door.  He opens the door and turns to Jessica, his eyebrows raised in a questioning manner.  "Where are the books"  Jessica brings him 84 books that he had stacked on his desk.  He leaves, closing the door behind him.
     It almost makes me want to adopt a teenager just so we can figure all this crap out.
Peace and Love

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