Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Tuesday was a day to remember

     Unfortunately, at my age that is not a given.
     If I don't write it down, I probably won't remember it.
     Like the 7:30 a.m. radio interview on Monday.  Or the high school breakfast today.  Or the card I was supposed to buy and mail.
     None of it was written down, and none was remembered.  Getting old is no fun.
     Sadly, I have been forgetful most of my life.
     Picking up Julia was an interesting experience.  There is always such a range of emotion on display.
     One young girl was embraced by a woman who held onto her and just sobbed for several minutes.
     One person coming out of the doors waved excitedly to a woman behind me, who missed it all because she was on her phone.
     The people from Cancun who walked through the terminal in shorts, t shirts and sandals.....I hope they packed winter coats in their bags.  Somehow, I doubt it.
     I have often wondered why O'Hare  has signs  only in English.  Maybe some of the foreign travelers would appreciate a "welcome" or "this way" in their native language.
     Some guy was walking with his luggage when a cart pusher almost ran into him.  The pusher started yelling in Spanish, and the man with the luggage said, "Nice welcome to Chicago."
     The international terminal is a free lunch buffet of watching the human spirit.       Sometimes I am amazed, sometimes confused, but always entertained.
Peace and Love

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