Friday, December 13, 2019


Life is full of numbers

     Like 50.  Nice round number.  Half a century.  Go back 50 years, to Dec. 13, 1969.
     Two kids got married. 
     There was a war going on in Southeast Asia, man had recently landed on the moon, the Cubs blew an almost insurmountable lead to the Mets, Nixon  was in the Oval Office, and Jackie and I were in school.
     We have come a long way in the last 50 years, but sometimes I still feel like that kid getting married.  A little scared, a lot nervous, and wondering if the Cubs will ever win a pennant...again.
     So far, nearly 170,000 visits have been recorded for this blog.  More than I expected, but then I never figured I would still be doing it since I hardly finish anything.
     2 and 1 and 1.
     Two wonderful daughters, an amazing son in law, and a talented grand daughter.
     71...years on this wonderful planet.
     Zillions....people who we have met along the way who have become friends, offered help, given encouragement, taken us under their wings, stuck with us through it all.  At least it seems like zillions.
     1....grateful guy.
Peace and Love

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