Monday, December 2, 2019

canaries in the coal mine

I was saddened by a picture I saw today

     Part of the road that circles Mackinac Island collapsed after being pounded by waves caused by high winds.
     If you don't know, some of the lakes are at historic high levels and erosion along the shores is becoming pretty common.  And worrisome.
     I believe the climate is changing, and I believe that we humans are a major reason for that change.  Yes, there have been ice ages and glaciers in the past that have covered much of North America.  But the freezing and melting happened over thousands of years.  The changes now are in the last 100 years.
     It's not only Mackinac Island.  Venice has been hit by historic flooding this year, again, rising sea levels are part of the reason.
     I love Mackinac Island.  I was always happy to be a "fudgie" on the island when Jackie and I took our post school vacations there so many years ago.
     I will always have happy memories of riding around the island.  I just hope future generations will also have happy memories.
     To be honest, I love Venice too......but that sinking city isn't in my heart the way Mackinac Island is.
     But if we don't change our ways, it may only be in pictures that people will see the road millions of bike tires have travelled, or the beauty of St. Mark's Square and its hoards of pigeons.

Peace and Love

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