Sunday, November 24, 2019

a present? for me?

You know I love the Beatles

     Wait...the Beatles or The Beatles?  I think just Beatles.
     But if I say I love Beatles, then people might hear me and think dung beetles or June bugs.  Whatever.
     I love their music.  The Beatles, not the June bugs, although that would be a cute name for a group.
     I listen to the Beatles on Sirius almost constantly.  I plan to visit Liverpool next summer and see the Cavern Club, John's home, Paul's home, Penny Lane and the barbershop and hopefully the Casbah Coffee Club.
     Today on the radio they played the boxed set newly released by Apple Records.  The set features all the Beatles singles.....each with a unique jacket.     Sirius played them in the order they were released, and it was interesting that "I Want to Hold Your Hand" was the fourth or fifth single, but the one that brought them into the spotlight.
     I don't want this set.
     First off, it is on vinyl.  I don't have a record player.
     Second, it is well over $200. 
     Third, they are all singles.  Yes, singles.  You get something like 186 individual records, all the size of a 45 but with a small hole in the center so you don't need an adapter.
     I guess you play them one at a time.....which is also a pain.  I remember those days!  I did have one of those adapters that allowed me to stack several 45s and have them play one after another, but sometimes two records fell and some times none fell.  Good times.
     So...scratch that off my list.  It is too much money and too much trouble.
     But so much music......
    Good times, my friends.  Good times.
Peace and Love

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