Saturday, November 16, 2019


I think I hit the end of migraine week

     Just in  time too.  We had an Exit 99 show tonight and I was a little nervous.
I stopped for coffee at Cypress House and had a double shot of espresso...and my headache disappeared!  Thanks, Amy, for the fix!
     Our show was funny.  At least, I thought it was.  I really enjoy doing this because the people I am with are amazing.  Funny, smart, and willing to put up with an old guy.  Did I mention talented?  We have been doing this for a while and I just enjoy being with them.
     On my way to let the dogs out, I saw a huge racked buck along Skare Road.    On my way back, I got he camera ready just in case....but no luck.  He had a rack dat would stretch across da whole state!
     Anyway, thanks for all the good wishes and caring thoughts.  I am documenting the migraines and I will go to a doctor next time.
     Some pictures from the past week and more.

Peace and Love

Concept for an action figure...carrot robot man, complete with shooting tentacles!

Not that's a carrot!

How I spent the last three tea, ice pack, blindfold and man's best friend

I was up at 2 a.m. and saw this guy at my bird feeder

Moony the blue blob a UFO?

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