Sunday, November 10, 2019


Sometimes I don't see too good

     Which explains why when I sign into my Walgreen's account I sign is a Terru.  The U is next to the Y and sometimes I hit the wrong key.
     Not that there is anything wrong with being called Terru.  I have been called worse.  As the old comedian, last name Johnson, would say:  Call me Terry, call me Terru, just don't call me late to supper.
     I just learned a new hick name for my age group.  Boomer.  As in OK Boomer.  I had never heard the expression before, unless you include the days when former NFL QB Boomer Essaison (or however you spell it) was calling games.
     Today I learned it is a nickname, usually derogatory.  I also learned it is going out of style.  So I learned something that is already outdated.
     Go figure.
     I use spell check a lot.
     It gets frustrating when I spell a word correctly and it pops up as wrong when I type this blog drivel.  For example. learned always comes up as wrong with the correction learn ed.  Totally wrong.
     Last night I misspelled also as als and the corrections came up ally alley, and ails, but not also.  I also spelled temperature incorrectly.  I spelled it temperaque and the choices given for correct spelling were temperature and deprecatory.     Tonight neither are given as options.  Seriously?  Must be a jokester programming the spell check.
     Goingto bed early.....need to get a head start on the 67 inches of snow we are going to get and the -90 temps.  Maybe it will be windy as well.
     Oh...the US is pulling out of the Paris climate agreement.  Not to worry, our weather s fine.   And s is apparently ok instead of is, because it did not come up as a mistake...although spelled does.  Go figure.
     Peace and Love

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