Wednesday, November 20, 2019

wow....really wow

I am deeply grateful for all  the comments

     Yesterday I had a bit of a pity party, partly out of fear, partly out of frustration.
     It is what it is.
     Thank you all for your offers of help, your phone numbers, your suggestions, your caring.
     We do appreciate it.
     I know all the trite sayings, things are always darkest before the storm; the sum will come up tomorrow; count your blessings, it could be worse. 
     And I know God doesn't answer all prayers.  If he could, my wife would be walking around the house these days and I wouldn't be a frustrated old man playing solitaire at 1 a.m.
     If you are female, please take vitamin D.  Articles I have read seem to say that D could prevent MS.  I would say take a lot of it, but I will leave that to Emily the pharmacist to voice a suggestion.
     There are worse diseases, but it is hard to measure the impact MS has on a person, their family, their friends, their lifestyle.
     Going out to eat is hard because handicapped restrooms don't always accommodate a person with a handicap.  Stores often cram so much stuff in their aisles that getting a wheelchair or scooter between the racks is impossible.  Simple acts, like opening a door, become a challenge.
     And the biggest fear....that of abandonment, or placement in a facility, which are often viewed as the same.
      I told Jackie we are not going anywhere.  It won't be easy, but we'll tough it out.
     All your good thoughts will help us through it.
Peace and Love

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