Saturday, December 21, 2019


Life is full of memories

     One of the cast members in this show was in one of my first or second classes in fourth grade.  That was a long time ago.
     Tonight at the show a young lady came up to me and said, "Hello....remember me?"  Apparently she picked up on my confusion and she said , "I'm........" and I was just shocked.  She was beautiful!!  She is now near 30 and working two jobs so she can save money for school.  I have not seen her since....well, fifth grade.
     Also in the audience tonight was a young man who was in my cast of "Sideways Stories from Wayside School," which we did probably 12 years ago.      And the director of this was an assistant director for that show.
     And I went to a party, briefly unfortunately, given by friends I have known since my very early days of being involved in theater in Rochelle.....probably 30 years ago!
     It all tells me I've had a pretty good life in Rochelle.
     That's a good feeling to have, especially as I head off to bed, tired from a long day on stage.
Peace and Love

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