Monday, December 9, 2019


I may find it hard to sleep tonight

     I know Santa is on his way.....he has lots of toys and goodies in his sleigh.
     But Julia is on her way home too!  Emily and I are picking her up at the airport about 5:30 tomorrow.
     It's funny seeing her just a couple of times a year.
     When she first went to Switzerland, I was devastated.  I cried when we left her at the airport, I cried when I walked into her room..... I was always blubbering.
     But now, it is so expected that she leave and return to her home over there.  I don't like it, but I don't blubber so much.
     When waiting for her at the International Terminal, it is always amazing to watch the people greeting relatives who they have not seen for a while.     Grandparents meeting grand kids for the first time, brothers seeing each other after a long separation, a whole string of emotions gets put on very public display.
     Who knows, I may even be one of them tomorrow.
Love and Peace

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