Thursday, December 26, 2019

call me Sherman

I have a food addiction

     Trust me, I am not making fun of people who have addictions.  That malady is painful to family and friends of those addicted.
     I just can't pass up anything.  Except vegetables.
     Cookies from a friend?  A mix of pretzels, white chocolate, peanut butter and  Chex?  Gone in 60 seconds.
     I eat when I am not hungry.  I eat when I am full.  I eat when I am bored, nervous, depressed, upset, mad, typing on the computer, reading a book.  The only time I don't eat is when I am outside. 
     I need to live in a tent.
     At one point this year I was down to 194 on my home scale.  Now I am at 198.  I feel bloated, uncomfortable, tired, and fat.
     Yet I keep shoving it in, sometimes eating two  sweets at one time!
     Part of me just doesn't want to waste food, while the other part of me says it tastes good. 
      And when I eat, I get angry and upset, so I eat some more.
     I just have to find a way to end this circle of food.
     Or else I will end up looking like David Navarro!

Peace and Love but hold the sweets

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