Sunday, December 8, 2019


I tend to put off things until the last possible second

     Sometimes, hell, often it is rather embarrassing.
     For example, last May John, Emily and I took part in an MS walk in St. Charles.  We raised about $1,200 from family and friends.
     I have thank you notes on my pile in the den.  Some are written, some are written and addressed and one is even written, addressed and stamped.  In addition, I have seen the people several times and never given them their cards.
     Just started a Christmas letter.....maybe even one I like.
     Have yet to put up my train ornament tree....still sitting in pieces waiting.
     I have to get three referrals for upcoming doctor visits.....have not yet called for referrals, so I can't schedule appointments.
     When I taught, I often did lesson plans on Sunday night....for the previous week.  I just never seem to get around to finishing things or dealing with paper.
     On Oct.  30 I signed up for three months of the fitness center at the local hospital.  I have not gone yet.  My membership is almost expired.
     I don't think I will change.  At almost 72, it's a habit that will not be easily stamped out of my life.
     So......when you get things late from me, just accept the fact that I don't always get it done on time.  Or at all.
     I am working on it.
Peace and Love

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