Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy 2019

This will be short!

Happy New Year!!!  Hope you all have a blessed 2019!
Jackie and I are going to a party, so I figured I better do this early.
Working on my New Years resolution list, I think I will make some changes in my daily routine.  Gotta exercise.  Gotta work on my book.  Gotta play less solitaire.  Gotta stop using gotta.
Until 2019....
Love and Peace to all.

Sunday, December 30, 2018


I made a major miscalculation today

     The Christmas butter cookies at Aldi's have been $1.29 for a long time.  There have been lots of them.
     Today, I stopped to stock up and ...... they are out of cookies!
     Last year I bought 6 packs for 50 cents each.  Those lasted me until almost Thanksgiving, when they reappeared in the stores.
     So...if you are going to an Aldi, please look for these:

     If you see some, please buy me a couple of packs.  But these are just the butter ones, not the spiced cookies.  I have looked in the Rochelle store, and I should I looked in the DeKalb one after church today.
     Speaking of church, I was a  reader today.
     I have read many times.  Never a problem.
     Today??  I read the wrong word, skipped a line, lost my place, stumbled on several words, made was terrible.
     After the service, Rev. Heidi said to me, "Would you like a bigger font when you read?  You seemed to be having some trouble."
     I had lots of trouble.  I have never done such a poor job.
     So let's see.....left a $115 tip, can't read the print in front of me, taking a long time to read my book.
     If I was a smart person, I would think my eyes are not getting better with age!
     Just one more picture.

     This is downtown Western Springs, by the train station (and bakery, which I circled twice  before deciding not to enter).
     The tall building is now the historical society museum.   It is a water tower, or was.  But the 112 foot tower has three floors and city offices were once in the building.  It was built in 1891, but by the 1960s the tower stood empty until taken over by the historical society.
     The street in front is lined with trees decorated by local groups. I assume the groups buy a tree for a significant price, then decorate it.  Just a neat idea, to me, anyway.
     On that happy note, going to bed....if I don't get lost on the way.
     Love and Peace and youth to you all.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

breaking news

I read a sad, yet funny, and scary news story

     An 84 year old woman drove her car halfway through Brookfield Zoo today.
She apparently got confused.  She drove through the south gate and ended up in the area near Roosevelt fountain.
     (Jackie asked me how she got there, and I said she must have made a left at the coffee shop.   I thought it was funny.)
     Now, I sometimes get confused.
     But if I ever get to the point I start driving on sidewalks, TAKE AWAY MY CAR!
     Ok, someone may point out the time I did drive on a sidewalk in Chicago.
     In my defense, that was a new sidewalk.  When they put it there, I will never know.  But it used to be a through street. I was going east, the road was clear, and BOOM!  A sidewalk.  They had converted the street into a cul de sac.
     So I did what every normal person would do, I drove over the sidewalk to the other side of he cul de sac and continued on my merry way.
     And there may have been a time or two in France that the road was very narrow and pretty crowded with people, but that does not make it a sidewalk, despite what everyone is telling you.
     And come to think of it, somewhere in my memory is an incident involving a runway.....but that was a long time ago.
     Great day visiting with friends.  Kathy and John made the trip out and all of us (Emily, John, Julia, Jackie, Me, Kathy, John) went to eat out.  I paid the bill, and due to my inability to read small print, wrote down a $115 tip.  Luckily for me, not the server, Jackie caught the mistake and corrected it.
     So....maybe you don't have to be 84 to get confused.
     Good night.  Merry Christmas.  I hope 2001 is good to you.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Darn, I won

I can't win for losing

     That makes no sense, does it.
     When I retired I got a gift card for the restaurant at the golf course.  It closed before I could use it.
     That Beacon gift certificate?  Closed before I used it.
     I won a gift certificate to a local cafe.  It is the third one I have won at our weekly Rotary meetings over the past three years.  How many have I used?
     None  Zip.  Nada.   Zilch.
     Two of them I misplaced, when I found them I read the expiration date had long since passed.
     I won one about a month ago and told Jackie, "Let's go have breakfast."  But we have not and guess what?
     They announced they are closing tomorrow.
     Here's my dilemma.  I have a gift certificate for the restaurant and 6 cinnamon rolls from Christmas morning that have to be baked.  I can't eat cinnamon rolls and then go have breakfast, or vice versa.  I have lunch plans, so that is out.
     So....contest time.
     If anyone wants my gift certificate, a $15 value, let me know in this blog.      You may have to come pick it up tomorrow, and if you are lucky I will be wearing pajamas.
     I should live by my pappy's code:  Use it or lose it.
     Peace and Love and breakfast on me.

Thursday, December 27, 2018


I found the gold!!

     Ok, maybe not the gold, but I found the missing leg!
     Julia brought a neat smoker back for Jackie.  This is a German put incense in it, close it, and smoke comes out of the mouth, or pipe, or nose.  Really cool, neat item.
     The problem is, bringing things back from Germany and Switzerland can be a problem.  These wooden creations are fragile.  And sometimes there isn't enough bubble wrap to keep them safe.
     So after opening the gifts, a closer examination of the smoker found that the doll in the smoker's sack was missing its legs! 
     We found one leg on the carpet, but the other leg was nowhere to be found.  We assumed it was in the wrapping that had been tossed.
     So today I went through one bag of wrapping paper and at the very bottom, after I untangled every scrap of packing material, I found the leg!  I got to the end and turned the bag upside down and out it came.

     It is pretty small and I am shocked that I actually found it.
     Now, maybe I can find the attachments to the vacuum.
     Peace and Love.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

It's not just me

I do make mistakes

     I admit it.  I sometimes error in my judgments.
     We had Portillo's beef the other night.  I ordered enough for 9 people.  There were 5 of us.  I ended up with a dozen buns.  I hope it freezes well.
     For Christmas, I bought a 12 pound turkey and a 12 pound ham.  I do not know what I was thinking.  There were 7 of us for dinner.
     Jackie always makes breakfast Christmas morning, which is stressful, time consuming and  involves a lot of clean up.  This year we ordered cinnamon rolls from Sunshine Bakery.  There were 5 of I ordered a dozen rolls.  I hope I can freeze the rest.
     It's not even judgments.  I made shortbread the other night.  Granted, I was tired, and I had had a couple of glasses of wine, and it was late.  I read the directions multiple times......I kept reading 1/2 cup butter.  I kept looking at a stick of butter and seeing that there were two quarter cups in a I used one stick.
     The shortbread dough was very dry and crumbly.  I added a little oil, which helped, but the bread never really meshed.  I baked it anyway.  Over baked it, possibly.  It is hard, but very tasty.
     I looked at the recipe again in the morning and realized it was one half pound butter  not  one half cup.  Two sticks, not one.  Me bad.
     When I was buying something for Jackie at a bookstore, the lady in front of me had Michelle Obama's book Becoming.  She gave it to the clerk and he asked if she was buying this as a gift.  She said she was.  He asked if the person she was buying it for spoke Spanish.  He did not.  The clerk then pointed out she had the Spanish edition!   Seriously, I am bad but how could she not know that?
     And to all the Facebook friends that got the message Marry Christmas from me....I do apologize. 
     Anyway....maybe tomorrow I'll just have a cinnamon roll and tea.
     I need to make a list for next year.
     Peace and Love and leftovers......

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Quite the day

I had a really nice Christmas

     My daughters were home, and that is all I really needed.
     But in our family, we put together a Christmas list, so people have some idea what we want.
     Jackie had a couple of books, a nightgown, some shirts on her list.  Julia had anything Mickey on hers, Emily had some clothes that better fit her new body, John had a couple of clothing and tool wishes, Camryn had some clothes and games on her list.
     I had what I called a practical list.
     What was on my list?

Two and a half gallon gas cans.
A hose reel.
Hose nozzles that don't leak.
Peace pole for the garden.
Bike helmet and light.
A stocking cap or two because I have lost 4 in the past year.

     You know, practical.  After all, I am getting older and I don't need a lot of stuff.
     For some reason, I was mocked!
     Under the tree this year?  NO gas cans, hose reel, hose nozzles or any of the other routine stuff on my list.
     I did get some Beatles themed peace poles.  And I did get some stocking caps.  I think there is 13 or 15 in the box.  Julia, John and Emily bought caps wherever they found them.
     I have caps representing the Cubs, Bears, Hubs, NIU, Switzerland, Chicago..... an incredible amount of hats.
     Now my head will be warm all winter.
     Seriously, this was an incredibly neat thing for them to do.
     I also got a mystery book.  It's a book, wrapped in brown paper.  The person buying it has no clue as to who wrote it, or the title.  It's a mystery book.  Kinda neat.
     And if Dan is reading this, remember the glass Santa I bought Jackie at the downtown market?  I really must like it, because I bought her the same one last year!  And to top it off, I forgot to wrap it.  I realized I had hidden it somewhere so I would not lose it and after several searches, I found it.....along with a table runner I bought at the market which closely resembles one I bought two years ago!
     I guess my tastes don't change.
     And I managed to order 2 copies of Michelle Obama's book.  I ordered them on line, on different days, for different prices.  I do not know how I did that.

     Hope you all had a great Christmas.
     Now, I'm going to bed so tomorrow I can start wearing all my new hats!!      Hope it cools down!
     Peace and Love.  And good dreams.

Monday, December 24, 2018

not again

I just can't change

Every year I say I will go to bed earlier.  But it is now a little past 1.  I have finished wrapping presents, watching It's a Wonderful Life, baking short bread, enjoying a Christmas Eve pizza dinner and attending a great church service.
Every year I say I will be done by 10........never happens.
Merry Christmas....this mouse is still stirring, but not for long.  I think I just heard a clatter out on the lawn, so maybe I will throw open the shutters.....

Peace and Love to all, and to all a good night.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

change of plans

I changed my mind on a blog topic 

     I went shopping today.  It's a me thing.  I usually go the day before Christmas, and buy stuff that may or may not be gift worthy.
     I went a day earlier today because I have stuff to do tomorrow. 
     It was quite an experience.
     I was at Kohl's in Rockford.  The line was very long.  A man saw what I was holding and asked where I found them.  I told him and he said he wished he had seen that item.  He then mentioned the Bears, since I was wearing a Bear sweatshirt.  After a minute or two of talking he said, "You can just cut in front of me.  You are a Bear fan.  I don't mind."
     I looked at the long line of people behind him and decided that wasn't a good thing to do.  So I went to the other side of the store and got in a shorter, but still long line.
     I normally don't talk much to strangers, but the man behind me was a chatterbox.  We talked about the length of the line and how it was growing.  When people would walk past he would shout out, "$50 can have my spot."
     We finally reached the check out and I said, "I can see the light at the end of the tunnel."  When the next register cleared, I went up to it.
     The girl was ringing me up and this guy starts yelling, "Hey...he's a line cutter.  He just cut in front of me.  Don't ring him up."  The cashier gave me this look and said, "We don't allow that type of thing here."  I told her he was just joking.
     After I finished paying I went over to where he was and said, "Thanks a lot!"  We both laughed and wished each other Merry Christmas.
     I went to the mall and entered at Barnes and Noble.  As I went through the door there was a man standing there with two cups of coffee.  I reached out and said, "Wow!  Free coffee!! How nice!!"  He looked at me like I was freaking nuts.
     I also stopped at Portillo's to pick up some beef for dinner.  Now, there were five of us and two don't eat a lot, so I naturally opted for the 2 pound feeds 8 pack.  The place was packed.  Wall to wall people.  I went over to the catering counter to get the beef and when the girl was done with a the man ahead of me, she turned to me and asked what I wanted.  I gave her my order and she started to get it.  I said, "I thought you would be busier than this today."  She stopped dead in her tracks and looked at me and said, "Have you seen this place?  Have you been here for the last three hours?"  I think that's when she realized I was being funny. She eventually did laugh. 
     The one spot all day I did not wait in a line?  Starbucks in DeKalb.  The one on campus doesn't seem to be as busy without students.
     So, what was I going to write about?  Topic would have been how sad I get around Christmas.  I'm blessed, I know that.  But I so often have an empty feeling, thinking of people struggling while I have a comfortable life.  And people no longer with us.  I realize that while this is a joyous season, some people struggle with it.  There are days I am one of those people.
     Peace and Love.........spread some cheer tomorrow.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

marbles. marbles, marbles

I am growing concerned

     Seriously, my mind is slipping away.
     Jackie asked me for the stocking to hang by the chimney with care, and I went to get them.  Not in the closet in the hall, not in the closet in the den, not in the closet in our room.
     I did not remember where I put them.
     Jackie said she thought they were in the hall closet.  I looked again.  Nope.
     Looked everywhere a second time.
     I went back for a third time and BAM!  There they were.  On the shelf.  Granted, I may have put a blanket or something on them, but they were there.
In the process, I found the magnifier on a red string that I lost about three months ago.  I looked everywhere for that before giving up, so that is a bonus.
     Then I went to get the attachment to vacuum the couch.  Gone.  All the attachments;  gone.  In the place where I keep them there are gloves and hats and a couple of scarves.  So where did I put the attachments?
     Not in the cabinet, not in the closet, not in the den, not in the hall.  Again, I put them somewhere where they would be easy to find.  In my mind, I picture a bag.......
     We wrapped presents today.  It would have been a lot easier with my right handed scissors that I lost around Halloween.  I left them  at church, but no on seems to have found them.  I even have my initials on them:  TD.  Gone.
     I can't blame Jackie, because I am the one who puts stuff away.
     Trouble is, I don't remember where I put it.   Like my red Swiss Army knife, which is somewhere that I put to keep it safe.
     I swear, some day I am going to be front page news:  Rochelle man goes for coffee, ends up in Memphis.
     Peace and Love.  And memory.

Friday, December 21, 2018

A winter story

This is a true story

     It was told to me by my good friends Mona and George.
     They were on vacation in Russia. St. Petersburg to be exact.
     They were with a Roads Scholar trip and were having a great time.
     There were about 24 people in the group, and Rudy, a native Russian,  was their guide.  Everyone called him Rudy, but his given name was Rudolph.
     Now, Mona and George have been married for almost 50 years but they argue over the smallest things, things that to you and me would be inconsequential.     But to them, every small ant hill is a mountain.
     On their third day on the tour, the weather turned lousy.  It was cold, damp, and very, very moist.  They had gone on two walking tours of the town and Rudy had impressed them with his vast knowledge of St. Petersburg and of Russia.
     As they were getting ready to leave their hotel room, Mona said to George, "Take an umbrella, it is raining."
     George looked out the window, pondered a minute, then said, "It's not rain, it is snow."
     Well, that started the argument.  Rain....snow....rain .... snow.
     After ten or fifteen minutes, Mona said, "I will go ask our guide.  He will know."
     "Hah!" sneered George.  "Why ask him?  I know just as much about weather as he does."
     Mona looked at him and said, "I will believe him, no matter what he says."
     George was incredulous.  "Why would you believe him, a total stranger, over your husband of almost 50  years?"
     "Because,"  Mona answered, "Rudolph the Red knows rain, deer."

     You are welcome.
     Good night....don't laugh yourself to sleep.
     Peace and Love......

Thursday, December 20, 2018

what else is wrong?

Life today is different than a younger me imagined

     And not so young a younger me, either.
     I used to tell students then needed to learn the multiplication tables because there will be a time when you don't have that calculator with you.  And then came cell phones with calculators built in.
     I used to think I always had to be polite on the phone.  Then  came call centers and the incessant scams and requests for donations.
     Along those lines, I used to think you had to answer a phone call.
     I used to think the only way to pay a bill was to send a check.  Now the girls laugh at us because we still use checks!
     I used to think politicians were honest.  Then I turned six.
     I used to think water in plastic bottles was a nice convenience.  Now it seems too many plastic bottles and bags are polluting waterways and killing whales and turtles.
     I used to think space travel was only for well trained astronauts.  Now I can buy a flight for only $250,000 and have no training at all.  Maybe they will take a check.
     I used to think getting in cars with strangers was a bad idea.  Then Uber came along.
     I used to think Big Bang Theory was funny, then I watched some old Office shows and realized there is funny, and then there is funny.
     I used to think Chuck Taylor Converse All Stars were really cool.  But now hey are made in China and are just overpriced colored gym shoes.
     I used to think Billy Jo dropped a baby off that bridge.  Now I am not sure.
     I used to think TV will never be better than the 5 channels I could watch in color.  Now, there are hundreds of channels and I spend my time playing solitaire on the computer.
     I used to think getting to bed by 11 at night was possible.  Now I just realize I can never do that.
     Peace and Love.  Realize I mean that to all of you out there in dreamland.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

C is for.....

I need to do a better job reading

     We were making bread tonight and I had to put in one half teaspoon of ground cinnamon.  I looked at the spices and found ground  c....., luckily I double checked or our cranberry bread would  have had cumin in stead of cinnamon.
     I don't think the taste would have been good.
     Other than that, life has gone well.
     I have been pestered by calls on my cell and home phone.  So today the phone rang and I picked it up ready to be a real jerk, only to find out it was my brother in law on the phone.  Luckily, for once, I was smart enough not to start swearing as soon as I picked up the phone.
     Seriously, what does it take to stop these guys from calling?  No, not my brother in law....the phone solicitors.  Every time I get an unwanted call I block it, but I still get the call in the first place. 
     I know people need to work, but being a pest is not a very mind inspiring job.  And I hate to be rude, but they are calling my house, my phone, and I hate the invasion of privacy.
     I must be tired.
     Enough of my rants for one day.
     Peace and Love to all.  And to all phone call centers, I hope your equipment melts.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

I may turn ugly

I may be at my wit's end

     I know....I don't have much wit, so when do I know it's the end?
     Let me tell you.
     I have been getting calls from Washington, D.C.
     I don't think it is the president, although he may be calling to offer me a cabinet position since so many of the highly intelligent people he hired have turned out to be total idiots.  Don't let the door hit your butt on the way out!
     I know it is not my congressman, because he has spent the last six years evading and ignoring every question and concern I have about life in the 16th district.
    I don't have any relatives except my cousin Dave, and I don't think he would be calling me because we have not spoken since our last vacation to Washington D.C. about 40 years ago.  I did learn that his son, (my second cousin?) lives in a northern suburb of Chicago, the same suburb in which Dave was a child.  Small world, huh?
     I am guessing it is a group asking for money. 
     Anyway I digress.
     I have hearing aids.  They are Bluetooth.  I can turn off the volume on my phone and still hear it ring.  I hear voices clear as a bell in my new ears.
    When driving,  I can answer the phone and have a conversation without taking my hands off the wheel.
     But not today.
     I had four calls from DC and one from Jackie.  Understand, I have the phone ringing in my ears 7 times before it diconnects or goes to voice mail.  Seven.  The only way to stop it is to swipe the answerbutton and then hit the hang up button.  So, when the phone rang again, I foolishly clicked the answer button on the steering wheel.   I thought it might be Jackie.  I secretly hoped it was someone asking for money because I had a stream of four letter words echoing through my pea brain.
     Instead, it was a message regarding a service call I have for Thursday morning.
     All was fine until the recording said, "To confirm this appointment, press 1."
     My phone is in my pocket.  I am driving.  I reach the stop light on 38 and 39 and the message has now cycled through for the third time.  I pull over.  Put my hazard lights on.  Get the phone out of my pocket, realize I can't hit 1, hit several buttons and disconnect the call.
     I also notice semi trucks turning on to 38 from 39 are not far from my front end.  And there are a lot of semi  trucks!  In hind sight, not the best place to pull off.
     I find the number and call back and ..... imagine this....seriously, be prepared to be impressed:  A HUMAN ANSWERS THE PHONE!  An actual person, named Ashley, who listens to my problem, enters my phone number, comes up with the service call and is able to sconfirm the appointment.
     I return to the traffic lane a happy man.  Mainly that I wasn't killed by a semi, but also because the appointment was confirmed.
     Of course, they are coming between 7 and 9 a.m. Thursday.  And they are taking the front door off. 
     I just hope they work fast.
     Peace and Love.  Press 5 for loves and kisses.

Monday, December 17, 2018

just a guy who can't say no

I think I need to say no

As in:  Have another cookie.
            Do you want fries with that?
            Could you do something for me?
            Isn't it easier to disconnect the power before trying to repair the outlet?
Wait a minute, should say yes on that one.
     I am working with high school students three hours a week, mentoring a first grader, volunteering in a kindergarten class, serving at church.... my life seems to be filling with activities!
     Throw in the laundry and household chores, and I seem to get busy.  Never to busy to do this blog, or play solitaire, or read a book busy, but busy.
     I am a tradition lover, if I like the tradition.  For example, Jackie likes to bake Christmas cookies, so we have made 7 different types of cookies.  I help, then I clean up.  In the old days I would have licked the beaters and spatulas because we did not know raw egg could hurt you.  Heck, for a while I even put raw eggs in milk shakes to give them a protein boost.
     But I digress.
     So making cookies is a tradition.
     Putting up the Dickens Village is a tradition.
     Lighting my pyramid is a tradition.
     Setting up my train tree is a tradition.
     And reading A Christmas Carol is a tradition.
     I am about to start the visit of the third spirit, the one we fear the most, the ghost of the future.  When I was a wee lad I saw a movie version and that ghost scared me!  There is a similar figure in Graceland Cemetery in Chicago, done by Lorado Taft, and it too gave me the willies.
     (I always thought it was ironic that my youth was spent close to work by Lorado Taft and then I moved out here, where we were close to work by Lorado Taft.  Small world, huh)
     I also brewed some coffee today.  I may have put in a little too much coffee and not enough water, cause it was strong.  Real strong. 
     Maybe a little reading will put me in the drowsy zone.
     Boy, this epistle is all over the place!
Peace and Love.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Good grief

This was a pretty nice day

     During coffee hour at church I asked a fellow parishioner if he was watching the Bears tonight.  He said he was watching them as soon as he got home because the game started at noon.  I had no idea.  I thought it was a Sunday night game.
     I made the second half.  Great game.
I also tried the gas grill, but it was a no go.  I think I have to replace the regulator, but I can't get the old one off.  Chalk that up to aging...I am not as strong as I used to be.  Except under my arm pits, I seem to be stronger there than ever.
     So I cooked steaks on a charcoal grill in the driveway on Dec. 16.  Don't know if I have ever done that before.
     I also made a loaf of Tuscan bread.  Everyone said it was was a put in the oven and bake one I found in the freezer.  It was good.
     John and I had a bottle of wine at supper.  I think I had too much.  My thinking has been slower than usual since then.  But it tasted so good.
     I finally posted a picture of my pillars on Facebook....hope someone is interested in giving them a good home.
     And bed I go.
     Peace and Love to all.....and to all a good night.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

happy little family

I am happy tonight

     We picked up Julia from the airport today.  Emily, John and I drove to ORD and picked her up this afternoon.
     I am always happy when all my girls are close to home.
     Exiting the parking lot was a problem.  Three or 4 overseas flights seem to have come in at the same time, and everyone was trying to get out of the parking lot. 
     Then one of the toll booths malfunctioned, so there were only three lanes open.
     It took a little over 20 minutes to exit!
     I have said this before...but watching the families at the International Terminal is a very emotional experience.  There are always tears of joy as families and friends reunite.  It's a sad, but warm, experience.
     Generally on Saturday we have a routine:  I put the sheets in the washer, take my shower, put clean sheets on the bed, do another load, fold the get the drift.
     I made the bed and as I turned to get dressed I noticed the fitted sheet still sitting on the dresser!  I asked Jackie if we could get by without the bottom sheet and she said absolutely not.
     Go figure.
     But, all is well that ends well.  Sheets are on the bed. 

Peace and Love.......

Friday, December 14, 2018

the fog creeps on little cat feet

It was not nice driving today

     Somewhere around Aurora I ran into thick fog.  Pea soup.  London air.  It was pretty dense.
     I cleaned out my Honda last week.  That is big news!  I keep track of mileage.  So I was looking at my old notebook....which covered my first hybrid, traded in 2013......and saw gas prices at $3,89!  Holy cow, I almost forgot those days!  at some point in 2012, I paid $3.97....which seems to be the highest I put out at the pump. 
     I also found some notes, but none of them make sense.  I guess when I stopped at a light, or parked, I made notes to myself, but I don't know what I was trying to remember.
     My miles per gallon always runs in the 38-45 range, which is great when the gas prices are high...and they will be within the next six months.   My prediction.
     Was playing blocks with a little girl at the zoo today and she told her mother her zoo wall was "indestructible."  She could not have been older than 4.  Amazing vocabulary.
     I finished decorating the basement tree.  It's only been partially done for two weeks. 
     And I am puzzled.  Do I have a big box that was supposedly delivered to me?       If it was, and I have it, where did I put it?
     It's not in my shoe, Beth.  I already looked.
     Not under the bed, in the closet, or in the garage, or in the trunk, or in the pantry....running out of places to look.
     Whenever something like this happens, I wonder if it is a sign of Alzheimer's... and I am always afraid that it is.  I did read that it is natural to forget things, and words, but you are ok if you remember what common items are used for.  Or if you don't end sentences with prepositions.
     But the missing box bothers me.
     Maybe it will come to me in a dream.
     As you can see, my attempt to get to bed earlier is paying's only 12:04 a.m.
     Peace and Love and sweet dreams.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

another day done

So much for celebrating in style

     We celebrate strangely in the Dickow household.
     No, we did not go out to dinner.  No, we did not do anything special.   Yes, we did note it was our anniversary.
     We figured we should go out to eat when Julia is here....which will be Saturday.  Then we can figure out where to go, and when, and be together as a family.
     We did so something special, sort of.  Jackie had a treatment on her left leg that is supposed to relieve the pain.  She has her right leg done next week.  Radio ablation therapy.  It does work.
     There was also a museum members night that I wanted to attend, but Jackie was not comfortable going after the treatment.  So I got her an eggnog shake from Country School and headed home. 
     I got her into the house, made sure everything was copacetic, drove back to town and was just walking into the museum when my phone rang.  It was Jackie.  She had dropped the shake and the container broke, spreading eggnog shake all over the floor, to Corki's delight.
     So, I went into the museum, grabbed one cookie, said "Merry Christmas," and went home.
     After cleaning up the mess, I went back into town for another shake.  It was the least I could do since it was our anniversary!.
     Emily and John came over later and gave us our gift from all the kids and Apple TV, so we can stream Brit Box and other programs onto the TV directly.  A second part of the gift is them hooking it up and patiently and slowly explaining how to operate the technology.
     So, despite no major events, it was an eventful day.
     And a tiring one.
     So, it's off to bed.  Peace and Love to all.   And to all a good night.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

that was the year that was

1969 was a very pivotal year for me

     I cheered when Neil Armstrong took his giant leap in July.
     I wept when the Mets overtook the Cubs to win the National League Championship, then the World Series.
    On Dec. 12 I got frustrated when my friend John would not let me go out for milk and bread.
     OK, I was living across the street from a store.  I had my car keys and all the money I could gather.  John didn't think I needed to drive.  Or take money.  Or my suitcase.
     He didn't think I needed milk or bread either.
     Why was I willing to flee?
     Because on December 13, the next day, I was to be married.
     Well, John kept me in the apartment, Jackie and I got married the next day, and the rest is history.
     We were married at St. Paul Episcopal Church in DeKalb, the same church we are attending 49 years later.
     It was cold.  We had a white runner to go down the middle of the church and one of the ushers was unrolling it and it went and went and went.....I was afraid they were going to go out the door and around the block!
     We were college kids.  Our parents did not have a lot of money.  Our reception was in the church basement, which at the time was not the beautiful area it is today.  Back then it was concrete and studs.  (By the way, Episcopal churches do not have basements.  They have undercrofts.)
     I seem to remember sandwiches, chips, salads and cake.....but I also think the sandwiches were chicken salad and egg salad.  I think Jackie would disagree on that.
     Our wedding party was simple.  She had Susi, Sandy and Patti as her attendants.  I had my brothers Carl and Denny and (still friend, despite my weirdness), John as mine.
    A lot of college friends were there:  Lee, Chuck, Kathy, Rick, David, Pam, Bob, and our best college friend Lynn.  She was like a sister to Jackie and me and we had many a fun time together.  Sadly, she is gone, as is my brother Dennis. Lynn's soon to be husband, Chuck, was our wedding photographer.
I know I have not been the best husband.  I am cranky, often gone, not as understanding as I should be.....but she has put up with my crap for 49 years, and I am a better person for it.
And yes, I would do it again.
But I think I would have Italian beef and chicken.
Love you, wife of 49 years!
When we looked at pictures I got yelled at!  Can you see why??

On left, Jackie's dad and mom; on right, my dad and mom.  I was thin!
I was a bit nervous.......
Of course, we had cake!
Note the white runner....I guess they finally cut it!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


I usually love it when I hear familiar places on the news

      But not so tonight.
     In 2016, right about this time of year, I was walking in the Christmas markets of Strasbourg and Colmar in France.
     Tonight I am reading about a gunman who has killed three, or four, and wounded several either at a market, or close to a market, ion Strasbourg.  I have read both accounts.
     The Chicago Christmas market is packed onto a square in front of the county building, with a giant Picasso watching over everything.
In cities in Europe, it is a little different.
     Strasbourg, four example, had nine markets spread  throughout the city center.  Markets were a couple of blocks apart and had signs directing you from one market to another.
     Colmar had 7 markets, if I remember correctly.  Again, you wandered from market to market, sipping hot wine or hot chocolate and enjoying the lights and decorations along the way.
     When I went, I noticed several soldiers with big guns on patrol, in addition to the regular police.  Tonight I read that although the suspect escaped, he had been wounded by Army forces that were on patrol.
     I don't understand extremism.  I don't understand how people can hate because of someone's religion, or race, or national origin.  I don't get it.  And I also don't get how people can use religion as an excuse to hate, whether here or there, or anywhere.
     I hope to be able to go back to the markets in Strasbourg and Colmar some day.  There are a couple of other French towns I would also like to "market" in as well as a couple of German towns.
     Somehow, I don't think it will be the same, walking the streets, sipping hot wine and humming a carol quietly to myself.
     I do pray it never happens again, anywhere.
Some sober thoughts as I head to bed, huh?

Monday, December 10, 2018


I want a door number 4

     Well, I seem to have done a number on my upper molar.  I snapped it off at the base.
     I have three options:  A metal bridge that goes in and out every night.  A permanent bridge that requires a lot of dental work.  Extraction and implant.
     The option I did not hear was, "Hey, I have some Gorilla Glue and we can just glue that sucker back together."
     Which all leads to this question:  Why am I such a baby?
     I have talked to at least four people in the past three days who have an implant or two.  None of them said it was a bad experience.  All of them said there was a little pain, but it was temporary and their mouth felt great.
     I get sick to my stomach thinking about going to the dentist!
     So, my decision......(drum roll please.  Or a Danish, either one).... extraction and implant.
     I will have to put on my big boy pants for this.  Trouble is, I don't know where they are.
     On a happier note, we had a beautiful hoar frost today.   Make your own jokes, I am too nervous.
     And I pulled out all the mugs I have saved from the Christmas market.  I don't know why I am saving them......Julia and Emily will not appreciate more shit in the house.
     I had to take something downstairs tonight.  I went down, came right back up.  Jackie said, "Where's Corki?"  I said she was probably in the bedroom on her bed because she hasn't been feeling well today.  15 minutes later I hear a quiet bark and realize I left her in the basement.  I did not know she went down with me!
     I am a terrible dog daddy.

2013 (far right)  is my favorite  2018 is triangular...hard to drink from!

Sunday, December 9, 2018

and then the shoe drops

Life was going very well

     I had a bit of indigestion after our church party last night....happens when I eat way too much stuff.
     So at 1:30 a.m. I got up to take a couple of Tums.  Popped those babies in my mouth, started chewing and what the hell!  There was something hard in the mass of crumbled Tums.
     So I spit out the hard mass, which appears to be a part of a molar from the back of my mouth.
     I have a gaping hole in the tooth.  No pain, no discomfort, just a hole.  A whole hole, you might say.  Or knot.
     I did not have anything to eat for breakfast.  Or lunch.  I was afraid to chew because I did not want to damage the remaining part of the tooth.
     Now, if you know me, you know that eating is the one thing I do well.  And I do it often.
     So when we got to my friend John's 70th birthday surprise party, I was hungry.  Dinner was delicious...I opted for salmon because I figured it was an easy meat to chew.  I made a good choice.
     John was surprised.  I have hardly talked to him the last couple of weeks for fear I would say something to ruin the surprise.  But I didn't.
     It was nice seeing people I have not seen in a while, and meeting a couple of new people too.
     The drive home was weird.  About Aurora we hit dense fog.  I almost missed the turn off for Rochelle because I could not see the exit.  The truck stop was virtually hidden from view until you got almost on top of it.
     Then a mile from my house....crystal clear.
     The situation reminded me of grade school and Mr. Torres, or Torrez, no, Torres.  I remarked that it was funny that it was raining on one side of the street as I walked to school, but not the other side.
     Mr. Torres looked at me with the patience one has when dealing with an idiot and said, "Rain has to start and stop somewhere, otherwise it would be raining all over the world at the same time."
     I had never thought of that.
     But I did tonight, driving out of the fog, and marveling that it had disappeared.
     Happy birthday John!  There will be many more ahead to celebrate.
     Peace and Love.....

Saturday, December 8, 2018


Who dat and other stories

     Jackie wanted a Dairy Queen candy cane Blizzard.  So we stopped at the Queen in DeKalb.  When I go in, there is a lady in a purple coat who says hello.
Now, she looks familiar.  But I don't know who she is.  After a couple of awkward moments, she comes over and says, "Terry, I wasn't sure it was you."
It was a fellow teacher I have known for at least 20 years!!  I was with her classroom two weeks ago!!
     In my defense, she had her hair pulled back and I was not expecting to see anyone I knew. 
     After spending 20 minutes trying to change a fuse on one of those strings of outdoor Christmas lights, I tossed them.  Rather, I put them in the pile to take to the fire station for recycling.  I could have sent them back to the manufacturer along with a dated receipt and the zebra code.   I figured it would cost more to mail them than it was worth.  I think the company depends on people not sending them back.  How much is postage to China??
     We went to a Christmas party for church tonight.  Nice time, quiet night talking and visiting.
     When we got home I went into the closet to hang up Jackie's sweater and there was a white thing-a-ma-bob on the floor.  I swear, it was not there when I left.  It looks like a cover to something, and the inside says Germany.  I don't see anything it could have fallen off of.  It can't be burglars, because they usually take things.  Ghosts??
     On our way to the party, I put on my signal to turn right into the subdivision.  Jackie said it was not the right spot.  I turned anyway.  I don't know who lives in that white house, but I bet they were curious about why I was sitting in their driveway.
     "I told you not to turn here," someone said.
     The garage door opener in Jackie's car will not open the garage door when the car is in the garage.  However, it will close the door when in the garage.  Weird.  And for it to work, it has to be pointing at the door.  So when I drive down our street I end up making a sharp, sharp turn toward the ditch  in front of our neighbor's house in order to be facing the door.  If my turn is off by a foot or two, it won't open the door and I have to wait until I am actually in the driveway.
     Now, that does not sound like a big deal but I back the car in.  I do this so Jackie can get in the car with more ease.
     I just hope when the roads get snowy I don't slide into the ditch trying to open the garage door.  Someone thinks I am crazy when I do the Dickow Swerve.
     Stopped at a Starbucks.  The guy running the register was on the floor filling cups under the counter.  He suddenly popped up.  I said, "That was amazing....but you need to add a little smoke and a flash."
     He said he might.  That's a start.
     Good night.  Sleep tight.  Hope for a better tomorrow.

Friday, December 7, 2018

busy, busy, bee

I have been flying this week

     Thursday..... mentoring. car in for detailing, shopping spree
     Friday....... Corki in for grooming, me in for grooming, belt fix, wax kitchen cabinets, attempt to fix Christmas lights, downtown Rochelle parade, movie.
     We watched Meet Me in St. Louis, which I love.  Yes, it is a Christmas movie, but I love it for the costuming and the setting.  It takes place in the early 1900s and the details in the house are amazing.
     Every time I watch it, I think that would be the ideal age in which to live.  There had not been a world war yet, and there was an innocence about love, marriage and sex.
     Of course, it was a movie. so the dark side of those times was not covered.  Watching it, you would not think race was an issue, there was poverty in the world, epidemics were frequent and deadly, travel by horse was a long process and could result in sore butts.  And I can't forget the lack of electricity and the modern conveniences of a refrigerator and freezer.  Or cars.  Now that I think about it, living back in those days would not be good for a whimp like me.
     While it looks pretty in the movies, or on paper, those were  not good times.
But I am having a good time this week.
     Hopefully the weekend goes a little slower......only two things on Saturday and then a relaxing day and night watching the Bears maul the Rams. 
     I have to rest up now.....good night, and God bless.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

lookee here

I sometimes am hampered by technology

     Yesterday I could not load pictures, for some reason.  I posted three, but I could not do anymore.
     Since I am a great photographer and all my pictures are super good and important, I am posting some today.
     I restarted my computer....and whatever was not working, worked. 
     I don't understand the ways of machines. 
     Tonight was the annual Community Action Network (CAN) shopping spree.     This has been going on for several years now.  CAN works at raising money all through the year, then at Christmas youngsters from struggling families are treated to a shopping spree at Walmart.
     Jackie went this year, and we had a very cute little kindergartner as our shopper.  Her mom and older sister went along, because for some reason the five year old was afraid to go off with two people she has never before seen in her life.
     I get a gift card to buy the items.  When we totalled everything up, she was pretty close to the target of $75 and we had all clothes.  So Jackie and I said, let's go to the toy aisle and you can pick out a toy.
     She went straight to a thing called a Hatchable....and I gulped at the $49 price tag.
     We told her we were sorry, but that was above our price range.  She broke out in tears and was not even willing to look at the smaller versions of the toy, or other toys.  Her mother told her Santa would probably bring it, so she had to wait.  But she was inconsolable.
     Eventually she settled on a drawing kit.... she loves to draw.
     Honestly, I felt terrible.  I am a sucker for tears, and I came pretty close to giving in.  But we didn't.
     And who knows, maybe Santa will be able to get her the gift.  But it's a big order for what we thought was a single mom raising a couple of kids.
     But $50?   Yikes.
     Anyway, here are some pictures that did not get posted yesterday.

Not a large crowd....Picasso was happy!

Muddy Waters

Used to be Carson's now the ornate work

One goal achieved

The Walnut Room changes colors

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

down town, when you get lonely

I made my annual trip to the Christmas Market 

     I love going to the market in downtown Chicago.  Today was great, because there were not a lot of people.  You didn't have to push and shove your way to the front of any of the lines, or be pushed and shoved out of the way.
     I bought some presents, some mulled wine, a schnitzel, and some candied nuts.
     And I met a friend named Terry who lives in Oregon!  He was right ahead of me in line at one of the shops.  Small world, eh?
     Dan and I walked down to Field's and looked at the Macy's windows.   They were the same as last year, and pretty boring.  Field's did a much better job.
     We also went to see the big tree, but things have changed.  You can't go to the eighth floor has been sold.
     So you have to view the tree from outside the Walnut Room.  Not the same, but still pretty neat.
     I took a lot of pictures but for some reason can't move them from photos to the desktop.
     Which is funny, because I moved three pictures....then it stopped.
     And speaking of stopped, two of my garlands are blacked out.  Damn, that is going to be a pain to try to fix.  One of them is new.  I think. 
Mulled wine takes the sting out of being cold.

Megan, what can you tell me about these creatures??

Me and my schnitzel.......

Now to figure out how to load more pictures....this has never happened before!

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

one down....

I performed one fix today

     My garage door now opens on the keypad (again) and on the car remote. (again)
     I don't know how many times I put that damn battery in only to have the remote not work.
     I finally flipped it over and noticed there was a paper shield on the bottom of the battery.  It would not work because I did not remove the protective covering.
     And following the directions worked like a charm.
     But I am perplexed by the under cabinet lights.
     They stopped working this weekend.
     This happened a couple of times before.  Once they were manually reset by my friend Steve, I think.  The second time they were reset by Pete.  The last time they seemed to reset themselves!
     Seriously!  The lights did not work but we had a storm and lightning hit near by and suddenly, they worked.
     We had a lot of lightning Saturday night, which was when they stopped working.
     I should have watched when the lights were reset.  I will next time.
     Had a great time tonight with my Exit 99 pals.  We talked about doing a show.  That is exciting to me, but it was great just talking and visiting with them, and laughing with them, and just being around them.
      So thanks Carrie, Beth and Terry for a fun night.
      The new me is going to start going to bed earlier.
      So.....good night.  Sweet dreams.

Monday, December 3, 2018

son of a bee

Dag nab it!  Foiled again by electronics

     All this electronic stuff is supposed to make my life easier.  Bull shit!
     My garage door opener in the Honda was not always working.  Sometimes it would open the door, sometimes it would not.
     I figured the battery must be dead.
     So I pry the sucker apart and put in a new battery.
     I have to get out of my car and use the key pad.  (I know, tough nougie.  We had to do that in the old days.  And hey, until I was 12 I thought my name was Remote.  Dad was always yelling that at me.)
     It was rainy and cold the other night.  I back the car out, get out, punch the numbers in the key pad, close the door, run back to the car, slip on the ice, fall down the driveway, rolling like a concave bowling ball, knock down the mailbox, and bounce across the street where I eventually come to a stop.
      OK, maybe I exaggerated.  It's the Rum Chata in me talking.
     I got wet. 
     When I came home, I reversed the process, again getting wet only it was colder later than earlier.
     I thought maybe, just maybe, when the battery dies you have to re-sync your remote with the opener in the garage.
     So I Googled it.
     Seemed simple enough.  Hold down the learn button until the yellow light starts blinking, then press remote button until yellow light comes on again.
     I haul out my totally unstable two rung step ladder, see the learn button, and push it, holding it down until it starts blinking.
     I do it again.
     Being persistent, I try it again.
     Somebody once told me if something didn't work, stop doing it.  Continuing to do something that doesn't work is the true definition of insanity.
     So I figured I would wait until morning, put another new battery in in case that one wasn't good, and try again.
     I go over to the key pad to punch in my code and......... yeah, you saw this coming, didn't you.
     Evidently, hitting the learn button erases all the codes for that door.  Duh!
     Now I have to go to the door to the house, hit the opener button there, go out the little door, relock the little door, then get in the car, being careful not to slip on the ice and roll down the driveway like a convex bowling ball.
     To get in the garage, I have to open the door, turn on the light, go up to the house door, hit the button, go back to the car ah hell, you know the drill by now, don't you.
     I have to find the manual for the garage doors.  Yes, I have it.  I save everything, remember?
     With luck, I will have it fixed by spring.
     Until then, I expect to get cold and wet while opening the back door.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

odds and ends

Just a lot of stuff to mention

     The doorbell rang at a little after 10 this morning.  I was still in my World Series Champion Chicago Cubs pajamas.  I have seen people wearing these out in public, so after checking the fly, I went to the door.
     There was a really tall man standing there.  I did not have my glasses on.  My hair was sticking out in all sorts of crazy angles.  I opened the door.  I figured two people were either religious callers or thieves, but one person was pretty safe.
     It was my friend Todd.  He had a pie.  His friend felt guilty for outbidding us for the pie package at the VCCT auction, so he decided to bring a pie to us.
     I may have guilted them into it.  I did say several times, in a very whiny voice, "Those were my pies.  I was supposed to win them.  Who are you, anyway?"
     Turns out, you can have your pie and eat it too.  Whatever that means.
     I have a Yahoo e-mail account.  A couple of days ago I had 224 e-mails.  I deleted as many as I could.  Two days ago I had 141.  Today I have 187.  I can tell it is Christmas as most of them are advertisements.  And yes, I can unsubscribe but I have found some good deals!
     I had a zoo day today.  I went to take out a rabbit and read the note that said rabbit was digging and nipping, not a good sign.  I took her out anyway and she was an absolute delight!  Sat very quietly in my lap and did not dig or nip at all.  She even closed her eyes for a few minutes. 
    I was going 65 in the 55 mile work zone on the tollway and people were passing me like I was standing still.  I don't understand.
     The melting snow solved the problems of snowmobilers going through the retention pond.  I opened the back door and screamed at them that this was private property.  Jackie said they could not hear me and I was wasting my time, but they left.  Go figure.
     I hate the sound and smell of snowmobiles and ATVs.  And I hate that people who have them think it is ok to go on to private property and drive their toys.  Shows a lack of respect for landowners.
     I may be repeating myself.....but three nights ago I made some white chocolate hot chocolate.  I then put in an ounce or so of Rum Chata.  Instant heaven.  I may become addicted.
     I think I am becoming a grouch.
     That's ok by me. 

Saturday, December 1, 2018

it's a wrap

We did a radio play tonight

     One night only, a VCCT fundraiser.
     I may be repeating myself, but a radio play is a play presented on the radio, like in the 40s and 30s, before the age of TV.
     I thought it went well; met several people I have not really known before.  It was nice learning about them.
     I have a sheltered life.
     They talked about movies they have seen, and I know I should have seen them, but I have not.  I now have a list of about 50 to watch.  And about 20 to see in theaters.
     And while it is not like a full play, with costumes and make up, it still takes a lot of work, and energy, to do a good job.
     I guess that is why I am tired, but can't go to bed.  Still have the rush you get from being in front of an audience coupled with the desire to sleep.
     Could be a toss and turn night.
     Funny, in the middle of the show there was lots of lightning and thunder.  It's Dec. 1, we shouldn't be having thunderstorms.
     Sure wish some smart people could figure this whole weather/climate thing out.
     Any way, I am better go before I say something that offends someone.

Friday, November 30, 2018

no news

Sometimes I am in a bubble

     Had a zoo day today.  With Sirius in the car, I mostly listen to the Beatles channel.
     When I left the zoo today, I got a series of texts.  Basically they said Warren and the kids were fine.
     Warren is my cousin in law in Anchorage, Alaska.  I had no idea why he was ok until I found out there was a huge earthquake today.
     I called him tonight and he said the epicenter was directly under the chair his ass was in.  Several seconds of shaking knocked stuff off shelves and walls but did not do any major damage.  His daughter and grandchild also were safe, although there was a lot of clean up to do.
     There was an after shock seconds after the quake, and it was also quite powerful.
     Warren is a native Alaskan.  He was a teenager when the big one hit in 1964.       Jackie and I visited Earthquake Park in Anchorage when we were there in the 90s and could see visible evidence of that powerful quake.  Warren once joked that before that one the family house was a block away from the Cook Inlet, but after that quake it was on the Inlet, because the block across the street collapsed into the water.  At least hat is my memory of a story told almost 30 years ago, so I could be off a lot.
     I left the house at 8, got home at 4:45, left at 5:45, got home at about 9 and had the rest of my supper.  Jackie likes a salad at Panera, so I stopped to get her one, not realizing it was a seasonal offering.  But they have a great turkey/apple sandwich and they had squash soup, with I love.  I had the soup early, and the sandwich late.  I also got Jackie a sandwich, but no soup.
     I am in a production tomorrow night.  The local theater group (VCCT) is doing a radio version of Miracle on 34th Street.  I love that movie, and am glad to be part of the radio show version.
     But it made for a long day today.
     So.....sweet dreams, and solid Earths to all.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

dirty dishes

I admit it, I am not detail oriented 

     Lately our dishwasher has not been doing a good job.  Some of the glasses had crud on them.  On one load, I had to rewash 6 glasses and two plates.
     I looked at the spray arms, they seemed ok.  Nothing seemed amiss.
     I mentioned it  to John at Thanksgiving, saying I would have to call a repairman to figure out what is wrong.
     He pulled out the bottom rack and noticed a hole or two (maybe more) was blocked.  So we cleaned it out.
     Then he looked at the top rack and noticed some of the holes were blocked there also.  We cleaned them out.
     I have not had a problem since.  Dishes, and glasses, come out perfectly clean.
     What the hell!!!  Am I blind??  I looked at the arms and didn't see a problem, but it was apparent there was crap in the holes.  (Still referring to the dishwasher for those of you with sick minds.)
     So I don't know if I am:
               A       Blind
               B        Inattentive
               C        Lazy
               D        Lax
               E         Uncaring
               F          All of the above.

     In any case, thanks John for getting my dishes clean.
     Now, about the spots on my laundry.......
      I still have a cold....and my really strong hot toddy is kicking in.  I need more whiskey.
     Good night, America.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Holy crap

I realized something tonight, actually just now

My first td in ten was Jan. 1, 2014.
That means at the end of this year, I will have written something almost daily for five years.
Five years.
During that time:

Emily and John got married.
Emily's house was destroyed by a tornado.
I got an I Phone.
We got a dog.
Jackie got a BMW.
I turned 70.   70?  How could that have happened??
I marked 10 years as a zoo volunteer.
We've been to New England, the Baseball Hall of Fame,  visited my cousin in New York, gone to visit Julia a couple of times.
We went to Las Vegas and I lost $20 playing roulette.   Turns out 13 is not a lucky number.
I went to Christmas markets in France.
I went on a bike trip through the Netherlands with friends.
I've told countless embarrassing stories about me and many boring stories about life.
We've gone through 3 living room couches.
We've seen friends move to the east and family to the  west,
I was on the television, but Jackie told me to get off it before I broke it.
I got hearing aids.
This is sort of like the Trump presidency in a way; I never thought it would last!

Life passes quickly, doesn't it?
In a blink of an eye, you are a young man or woman, then are old.
I wish I had all those hours I frittered away when I was younger in a time bank that I could draw on now.  Or even the ones that I fritter away now.  And is fritter the right word?
Enjoy your days my friends.  Make every one of them count and relish the loved ones around you.
Your Melancholy Baby.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

ho hum aliens?

Has Earth been invaded?

     Jackie and I were driving home from Portillo's tonight when we think we saw an alien invasion.
     Ok, I think I saw an alien invasion.

     Here's proof:

     What else can explain it?
     Aliens have built an elevator from a UFO and are using it to send warriors from their planet to invade ours!
     I read in a book, and it was a very true book, written by a real person, that when the alien invasion happens, they will assume a disguise of a bearded man with a round belly,   red suit with fur trim, and a jolly laugh.  So if you see people like that in the next few weeks, BEWARE!!  They may be aliens!
     And while it appears this elevator shaft ends in Creston, in fact it ends on the south end of Rochelle.
     I have an Italian friend named Antonio and he has told me he personally has seen aliens and may have captured one unknowingly.
     "Terry, I hadda go to the doctors office and leave a spaciman,"  he told me.
     I swear, this is all true!
Good night.  I need sleep.

Monday, November 26, 2018

s'no fun

I blew my driveway today

     I delayed it as long as I could, but at 10:30 I went out to clear it.
When I came in, it was 1:15. 
     Surprisingly, I was not cold, although my cough does not seem to be better at all.  I dressed warmly.
     I did not have to use a shovel except by the front door.  Everything else was taken care of by my snow blower. 
     I think it's time to reevaluate my ways.  We have a cleaning person every other week, because I have a lot to do.  Julia and my brother Carl and I believe Emily all suggested I find someone to plow the driveway in the future.
     So next year I will look for someone to plow the driveway.  It would take them 10 minutes and they would do a better job.
     It's not that I don't like doing it...... but I do have to make some concessions for age.
     Blowing was a bit of a problem today.  The snow was so wet, it stuck on the blades and no snow would be sucked up.  So I had to use a scraper every couple of passes to make sure the blades were clear.
     Notice I said scraper because you never, ever put your hand into a snow blower.  They have a tendency to chomp off digits if you do.
     I'm done for the day.  I just finished a little toddy and am headed for sleepland, eventually.
    Pleasant out for sugar plums fairies, whatever they are.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

baby, it's cold outside

I think it's snowing

     I say that with a little tongue in frozen cheek.
     We have several inches on the ground and high winds.  Makes for a wild afternoon.  And it is a heavy snow....heart attack snow, that's what I call it.
     Luckily my snow blower came back to me yesterday.  Thanks, Dave, for delivering it before the first flakes fell.
     When we lived on Skare Court we had pine trees in the back yard.  I loved putting on my shearling  coat  and going out to stand under the trees in the middle of a snow storm.  To hear the wind blowing, or the flakes falling, is truly and incredible experience.  If you dress warmly, you won't even  notice the cold.
     I stood in the driveway tonight, was just out there a few minutes.  I will go back out before bed to check to make sure the furnace vent is not buried under the snow.
     Tomorrow I will snow blow the driveway, probably a couple of times.  Not sure if I am up to snowshoeing in the woods yet, might have to wait a couple of weeks before I try that.
     I am thankful we have not lost power.  (Knocking on wood.)  I know some folks in the area have, and I feel for them and for the crews that work to restore power.  Living in the country, no electricity means no water.  I can exist in the dark for a while, but not being able to flush is a luxury I hate to lose.
     Hope all of you are safe in the Midwest tonight.  Snow fall totals range from 6 inches on up in our area, with more to be expected during the night.
    As a side note, I thought our bushes needed more lights.  So as the snow was starting, which means it was raining, I put 1 strand of cool white lights on each of four bushes.
     Yes, I was wet.  And it started snowing just as I finished.
     All the other lights are warm white lights.  And I swear, I thought the boxes said warm!  Jackie does not think it looks good, so I will have to pull them off and replace them.  But not tomorrow.  Or the next day.  Or the next.
     Be safe.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

A succesful hunt

We got a tree today

     And I was wondering:  When people go deer hunting they often use a tree stand.  So when we went tree hunting, should we have used a deer stand?
Just curious.
     It tool less than 90 minutes to leave my house, drive to the prairie, find a tree and come back home.
     It looks nice.  It's a fir, but not a balsam fir.  Stands straight.
     John, Emily and Cooper went.
     There was a time when Jackie and I could get the tree.....but we are long past the point of being able to cut it down, load it, drag it into the house and put it in a stand.  Thank heavens for John and Emily.
     The tree is up and decorated, but I noticed something unusual.
     Hundreds of bugs.  Hundreds.  Little bugs.  Fruit fly size.  I sprayed them, hopefully that is all of them.....we'll see in the morning.
     I just figured the cold would have killed them, but maybe not any egg sacs.
     As usual, I got real sentimental hanging ornaments.  Ones I made with my class, my mom made, Julia made, get the picture.  The basement tree has a set of ornaments Jackie painted, I believe it was our first Christmas.
     True:  When we were first married, we did not have a lot of money.  For end tables, I got two cardboard boxes and put wood grained contact paper on them.
I think our first tree was about 2 feet tall, but it fit nicely on the box. 
     Memories.  That's what makes the holidays.
     If you live around here you know we may get some snow tomorrow.  Latest prediction:  14 inches for Rochelle.
     Better get some rest, hadn't I?