Saturday, December 1, 2018

it's a wrap

We did a radio play tonight

     One night only, a VCCT fundraiser.
     I may be repeating myself, but a radio play is a play presented on the radio, like in the 40s and 30s, before the age of TV.
     I thought it went well; met several people I have not really known before.  It was nice learning about them.
     I have a sheltered life.
     They talked about movies they have seen, and I know I should have seen them, but I have not.  I now have a list of about 50 to watch.  And about 20 to see in theaters.
     And while it is not like a full play, with costumes and make up, it still takes a lot of work, and energy, to do a good job.
     I guess that is why I am tired, but can't go to bed.  Still have the rush you get from being in front of an audience coupled with the desire to sleep.
     Could be a toss and turn night.
     Funny, in the middle of the show there was lots of lightning and thunder.  It's Dec. 1, we shouldn't be having thunderstorms.
     Sure wish some smart people could figure this whole weather/climate thing out.
     Any way, I am better go before I say something that offends someone.

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