Tuesday, December 11, 2018


I usually love it when I hear familiar places on the news

      But not so tonight.
     In 2016, right about this time of year, I was walking in the Christmas markets of Strasbourg and Colmar in France.
     Tonight I am reading about a gunman who has killed three, or four, and wounded several either at a market, or close to a market, ion Strasbourg.  I have read both accounts.
     The Chicago Christmas market is packed onto a square in front of the county building, with a giant Picasso watching over everything.
In cities in Europe, it is a little different.
     Strasbourg, four example, had nine markets spread  throughout the city center.  Markets were a couple of blocks apart and had signs directing you from one market to another.
     Colmar had 7 markets, if I remember correctly.  Again, you wandered from market to market, sipping hot wine or hot chocolate and enjoying the lights and decorations along the way.
     When I went, I noticed several soldiers with big guns on patrol, in addition to the regular police.  Tonight I read that although the suspect escaped, he had been wounded by Army forces that were on patrol.
     I don't understand extremism.  I don't understand how people can hate because of someone's religion, or race, or national origin.  I don't get it.  And I also don't get how people can use religion as an excuse to hate, whether here or there, or anywhere.
     I hope to be able to go back to the markets in Strasbourg and Colmar some day.  There are a couple of other French towns I would also like to "market" in as well as a couple of German towns.
     Somehow, I don't think it will be the same, walking the streets, sipping hot wine and humming a carol quietly to myself.
     I do pray it never happens again, anywhere.
Some sober thoughts as I head to bed, huh?

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