Saturday, December 29, 2018

breaking news

I read a sad, yet funny, and scary news story

     An 84 year old woman drove her car halfway through Brookfield Zoo today.
She apparently got confused.  She drove through the south gate and ended up in the area near Roosevelt fountain.
     (Jackie asked me how she got there, and I said she must have made a left at the coffee shop.   I thought it was funny.)
     Now, I sometimes get confused.
     But if I ever get to the point I start driving on sidewalks, TAKE AWAY MY CAR!
     Ok, someone may point out the time I did drive on a sidewalk in Chicago.
     In my defense, that was a new sidewalk.  When they put it there, I will never know.  But it used to be a through street. I was going east, the road was clear, and BOOM!  A sidewalk.  They had converted the street into a cul de sac.
     So I did what every normal person would do, I drove over the sidewalk to the other side of he cul de sac and continued on my merry way.
     And there may have been a time or two in France that the road was very narrow and pretty crowded with people, but that does not make it a sidewalk, despite what everyone is telling you.
     And come to think of it, somewhere in my memory is an incident involving a runway.....but that was a long time ago.
     Great day visiting with friends.  Kathy and John made the trip out and all of us (Emily, John, Julia, Jackie, Me, Kathy, John) went to eat out.  I paid the bill, and due to my inability to read small print, wrote down a $115 tip.  Luckily for me, not the server, Jackie caught the mistake and corrected it.
     So....maybe you don't have to be 84 to get confused.
     Good night.  Merry Christmas.  I hope 2001 is good to you.

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