Sunday, December 9, 2018

and then the shoe drops

Life was going very well

     I had a bit of indigestion after our church party last night....happens when I eat way too much stuff.
     So at 1:30 a.m. I got up to take a couple of Tums.  Popped those babies in my mouth, started chewing and what the hell!  There was something hard in the mass of crumbled Tums.
     So I spit out the hard mass, which appears to be a part of a molar from the back of my mouth.
     I have a gaping hole in the tooth.  No pain, no discomfort, just a hole.  A whole hole, you might say.  Or knot.
     I did not have anything to eat for breakfast.  Or lunch.  I was afraid to chew because I did not want to damage the remaining part of the tooth.
     Now, if you know me, you know that eating is the one thing I do well.  And I do it often.
     So when we got to my friend John's 70th birthday surprise party, I was hungry.  Dinner was delicious...I opted for salmon because I figured it was an easy meat to chew.  I made a good choice.
     John was surprised.  I have hardly talked to him the last couple of weeks for fear I would say something to ruin the surprise.  But I didn't.
     It was nice seeing people I have not seen in a while, and meeting a couple of new people too.
     The drive home was weird.  About Aurora we hit dense fog.  I almost missed the turn off for Rochelle because I could not see the exit.  The truck stop was virtually hidden from view until you got almost on top of it.
     Then a mile from my house....crystal clear.
     The situation reminded me of grade school and Mr. Torres, or Torrez, no, Torres.  I remarked that it was funny that it was raining on one side of the street as I walked to school, but not the other side.
     Mr. Torres looked at me with the patience one has when dealing with an idiot and said, "Rain has to start and stop somewhere, otherwise it would be raining all over the world at the same time."
     I had never thought of that.
     But I did tonight, driving out of the fog, and marveling that it had disappeared.
     Happy birthday John!  There will be many more ahead to celebrate.
     Peace and Love.....

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