Sunday, December 2, 2018

odds and ends

Just a lot of stuff to mention

     The doorbell rang at a little after 10 this morning.  I was still in my World Series Champion Chicago Cubs pajamas.  I have seen people wearing these out in public, so after checking the fly, I went to the door.
     There was a really tall man standing there.  I did not have my glasses on.  My hair was sticking out in all sorts of crazy angles.  I opened the door.  I figured two people were either religious callers or thieves, but one person was pretty safe.
     It was my friend Todd.  He had a pie.  His friend felt guilty for outbidding us for the pie package at the VCCT auction, so he decided to bring a pie to us.
     I may have guilted them into it.  I did say several times, in a very whiny voice, "Those were my pies.  I was supposed to win them.  Who are you, anyway?"
     Turns out, you can have your pie and eat it too.  Whatever that means.
     I have a Yahoo e-mail account.  A couple of days ago I had 224 e-mails.  I deleted as many as I could.  Two days ago I had 141.  Today I have 187.  I can tell it is Christmas as most of them are advertisements.  And yes, I can unsubscribe but I have found some good deals!
     I had a zoo day today.  I went to take out a rabbit and read the note that said rabbit was digging and nipping, not a good sign.  I took her out anyway and she was an absolute delight!  Sat very quietly in my lap and did not dig or nip at all.  She even closed her eyes for a few minutes. 
    I was going 65 in the 55 mile work zone on the tollway and people were passing me like I was standing still.  I don't understand.
     The melting snow solved the problems of snowmobilers going through the retention pond.  I opened the back door and screamed at them that this was private property.  Jackie said they could not hear me and I was wasting my time, but they left.  Go figure.
     I hate the sound and smell of snowmobiles and ATVs.  And I hate that people who have them think it is ok to go on to private property and drive their toys.  Shows a lack of respect for landowners.
     I may be repeating myself.....but three nights ago I made some white chocolate hot chocolate.  I then put in an ounce or so of Rum Chata.  Instant heaven.  I may become addicted.
     I think I am becoming a grouch.
     That's ok by me. 

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