Friday, December 14, 2018

the fog creeps on little cat feet

It was not nice driving today

     Somewhere around Aurora I ran into thick fog.  Pea soup.  London air.  It was pretty dense.
     I cleaned out my Honda last week.  That is big news!  I keep track of mileage.  So I was looking at my old notebook....which covered my first hybrid, traded in 2013......and saw gas prices at $3,89!  Holy cow, I almost forgot those days!  at some point in 2012, I paid $3.97....which seems to be the highest I put out at the pump. 
     I also found some notes, but none of them make sense.  I guess when I stopped at a light, or parked, I made notes to myself, but I don't know what I was trying to remember.
     My miles per gallon always runs in the 38-45 range, which is great when the gas prices are high...and they will be within the next six months.   My prediction.
     Was playing blocks with a little girl at the zoo today and she told her mother her zoo wall was "indestructible."  She could not have been older than 4.  Amazing vocabulary.
     I finished decorating the basement tree.  It's only been partially done for two weeks. 
     And I am puzzled.  Do I have a big box that was supposedly delivered to me?       If it was, and I have it, where did I put it?
     It's not in my shoe, Beth.  I already looked.
     Not under the bed, in the closet, or in the garage, or in the trunk, or in the pantry....running out of places to look.
     Whenever something like this happens, I wonder if it is a sign of Alzheimer's... and I am always afraid that it is.  I did read that it is natural to forget things, and words, but you are ok if you remember what common items are used for.  Or if you don't end sentences with prepositions.
     But the missing box bothers me.
     Maybe it will come to me in a dream.
     As you can see, my attempt to get to bed earlier is paying's only 12:04 a.m.
     Peace and Love and sweet dreams.

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