Wednesday, December 12, 2018

that was the year that was

1969 was a very pivotal year for me

     I cheered when Neil Armstrong took his giant leap in July.
     I wept when the Mets overtook the Cubs to win the National League Championship, then the World Series.
    On Dec. 12 I got frustrated when my friend John would not let me go out for milk and bread.
     OK, I was living across the street from a store.  I had my car keys and all the money I could gather.  John didn't think I needed to drive.  Or take money.  Or my suitcase.
     He didn't think I needed milk or bread either.
     Why was I willing to flee?
     Because on December 13, the next day, I was to be married.
     Well, John kept me in the apartment, Jackie and I got married the next day, and the rest is history.
     We were married at St. Paul Episcopal Church in DeKalb, the same church we are attending 49 years later.
     It was cold.  We had a white runner to go down the middle of the church and one of the ushers was unrolling it and it went and went and went.....I was afraid they were going to go out the door and around the block!
     We were college kids.  Our parents did not have a lot of money.  Our reception was in the church basement, which at the time was not the beautiful area it is today.  Back then it was concrete and studs.  (By the way, Episcopal churches do not have basements.  They have undercrofts.)
     I seem to remember sandwiches, chips, salads and cake.....but I also think the sandwiches were chicken salad and egg salad.  I think Jackie would disagree on that.
     Our wedding party was simple.  She had Susi, Sandy and Patti as her attendants.  I had my brothers Carl and Denny and (still friend, despite my weirdness), John as mine.
    A lot of college friends were there:  Lee, Chuck, Kathy, Rick, David, Pam, Bob, and our best college friend Lynn.  She was like a sister to Jackie and me and we had many a fun time together.  Sadly, she is gone, as is my brother Dennis. Lynn's soon to be husband, Chuck, was our wedding photographer.
I know I have not been the best husband.  I am cranky, often gone, not as understanding as I should be.....but she has put up with my crap for 49 years, and I am a better person for it.
And yes, I would do it again.
But I think I would have Italian beef and chicken.
Love you, wife of 49 years!
When we looked at pictures I got yelled at!  Can you see why??

On left, Jackie's dad and mom; on right, my dad and mom.  I was thin!
I was a bit nervous.......
Of course, we had cake!
Note the white runner....I guess they finally cut it!

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