Saturday, December 22, 2018

marbles. marbles, marbles

I am growing concerned

     Seriously, my mind is slipping away.
     Jackie asked me for the stocking to hang by the chimney with care, and I went to get them.  Not in the closet in the hall, not in the closet in the den, not in the closet in our room.
     I did not remember where I put them.
     Jackie said she thought they were in the hall closet.  I looked again.  Nope.
     Looked everywhere a second time.
     I went back for a third time and BAM!  There they were.  On the shelf.  Granted, I may have put a blanket or something on them, but they were there.
In the process, I found the magnifier on a red string that I lost about three months ago.  I looked everywhere for that before giving up, so that is a bonus.
     Then I went to get the attachment to vacuum the couch.  Gone.  All the attachments;  gone.  In the place where I keep them there are gloves and hats and a couple of scarves.  So where did I put the attachments?
     Not in the cabinet, not in the closet, not in the den, not in the hall.  Again, I put them somewhere where they would be easy to find.  In my mind, I picture a bag.......
     We wrapped presents today.  It would have been a lot easier with my right handed scissors that I lost around Halloween.  I left them  at church, but no on seems to have found them.  I even have my initials on them:  TD.  Gone.
     I can't blame Jackie, because I am the one who puts stuff away.
     Trouble is, I don't remember where I put it.   Like my red Swiss Army knife, which is somewhere that I put to keep it safe.
     I swear, some day I am going to be front page news:  Rochelle man goes for coffee, ends up in Memphis.
     Peace and Love.  And memory.

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