Thursday, December 20, 2018

what else is wrong?

Life today is different than a younger me imagined

     And not so young a younger me, either.
     I used to tell students then needed to learn the multiplication tables because there will be a time when you don't have that calculator with you.  And then came cell phones with calculators built in.
     I used to think I always had to be polite on the phone.  Then  came call centers and the incessant scams and requests for donations.
     Along those lines, I used to think you had to answer a phone call.
     I used to think the only way to pay a bill was to send a check.  Now the girls laugh at us because we still use checks!
     I used to think politicians were honest.  Then I turned six.
     I used to think water in plastic bottles was a nice convenience.  Now it seems too many plastic bottles and bags are polluting waterways and killing whales and turtles.
     I used to think space travel was only for well trained astronauts.  Now I can buy a flight for only $250,000 and have no training at all.  Maybe they will take a check.
     I used to think getting in cars with strangers was a bad idea.  Then Uber came along.
     I used to think Big Bang Theory was funny, then I watched some old Office shows and realized there is funny, and then there is funny.
     I used to think Chuck Taylor Converse All Stars were really cool.  But now hey are made in China and are just overpriced colored gym shoes.
     I used to think Billy Jo dropped a baby off that bridge.  Now I am not sure.
     I used to think TV will never be better than the 5 channels I could watch in color.  Now, there are hundreds of channels and I spend my time playing solitaire on the computer.
     I used to think getting to bed by 11 at night was possible.  Now I just realize I can never do that.
     Peace and Love.  Realize I mean that to all of you out there in dreamland.

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