Sunday, November 25, 2018

baby, it's cold outside

I think it's snowing

     I say that with a little tongue in frozen cheek.
     We have several inches on the ground and high winds.  Makes for a wild afternoon.  And it is a heavy snow....heart attack snow, that's what I call it.
     Luckily my snow blower came back to me yesterday.  Thanks, Dave, for delivering it before the first flakes fell.
     When we lived on Skare Court we had pine trees in the back yard.  I loved putting on my shearling  coat  and going out to stand under the trees in the middle of a snow storm.  To hear the wind blowing, or the flakes falling, is truly and incredible experience.  If you dress warmly, you won't even  notice the cold.
     I stood in the driveway tonight, was just out there a few minutes.  I will go back out before bed to check to make sure the furnace vent is not buried under the snow.
     Tomorrow I will snow blow the driveway, probably a couple of times.  Not sure if I am up to snowshoeing in the woods yet, might have to wait a couple of weeks before I try that.
     I am thankful we have not lost power.  (Knocking on wood.)  I know some folks in the area have, and I feel for them and for the crews that work to restore power.  Living in the country, no electricity means no water.  I can exist in the dark for a while, but not being able to flush is a luxury I hate to lose.
     Hope all of you are safe in the Midwest tonight.  Snow fall totals range from 6 inches on up in our area, with more to be expected during the night.
    As a side note, I thought our bushes needed more lights.  So as the snow was starting, which means it was raining, I put 1 strand of cool white lights on each of four bushes.
     Yes, I was wet.  And it started snowing just as I finished.
     All the other lights are warm white lights.  And I swear, I thought the boxes said warm!  Jackie does not think it looks good, so I will have to pull them off and replace them.  But not tomorrow.  Or the next day.  Or the next.
     Be safe.

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