Wednesday, December 5, 2018

down town, when you get lonely

I made my annual trip to the Christmas Market 

     I love going to the market in downtown Chicago.  Today was great, because there were not a lot of people.  You didn't have to push and shove your way to the front of any of the lines, or be pushed and shoved out of the way.
     I bought some presents, some mulled wine, a schnitzel, and some candied nuts.
     And I met a friend named Terry who lives in Oregon!  He was right ahead of me in line at one of the shops.  Small world, eh?
     Dan and I walked down to Field's and looked at the Macy's windows.   They were the same as last year, and pretty boring.  Field's did a much better job.
     We also went to see the big tree, but things have changed.  You can't go to the eighth floor has been sold.
     So you have to view the tree from outside the Walnut Room.  Not the same, but still pretty neat.
     I took a lot of pictures but for some reason can't move them from photos to the desktop.
     Which is funny, because I moved three pictures....then it stopped.
     And speaking of stopped, two of my garlands are blacked out.  Damn, that is going to be a pain to try to fix.  One of them is new.  I think. 
Mulled wine takes the sting out of being cold.

Megan, what can you tell me about these creatures??

Me and my schnitzel.......

Now to figure out how to load more pictures....this has never happened before!

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