Saturday, November 24, 2018

A succesful hunt

We got a tree today

     And I was wondering:  When people go deer hunting they often use a tree stand.  So when we went tree hunting, should we have used a deer stand?
Just curious.
     It tool less than 90 minutes to leave my house, drive to the prairie, find a tree and come back home.
     It looks nice.  It's a fir, but not a balsam fir.  Stands straight.
     John, Emily and Cooper went.
     There was a time when Jackie and I could get the tree.....but we are long past the point of being able to cut it down, load it, drag it into the house and put it in a stand.  Thank heavens for John and Emily.
     The tree is up and decorated, but I noticed something unusual.
     Hundreds of bugs.  Hundreds.  Little bugs.  Fruit fly size.  I sprayed them, hopefully that is all of them.....we'll see in the morning.
     I just figured the cold would have killed them, but maybe not any egg sacs.
     As usual, I got real sentimental hanging ornaments.  Ones I made with my class, my mom made, Julia made, get the picture.  The basement tree has a set of ornaments Jackie painted, I believe it was our first Christmas.
     True:  When we were first married, we did not have a lot of money.  For end tables, I got two cardboard boxes and put wood grained contact paper on them.
I think our first tree was about 2 feet tall, but it fit nicely on the box. 
     Memories.  That's what makes the holidays.
     If you live around here you know we may get some snow tomorrow.  Latest prediction:  14 inches for Rochelle.
     Better get some rest, hadn't I?


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