Wednesday, December 26, 2018

It's not just me

I do make mistakes

     I admit it.  I sometimes error in my judgments.
     We had Portillo's beef the other night.  I ordered enough for 9 people.  There were 5 of us.  I ended up with a dozen buns.  I hope it freezes well.
     For Christmas, I bought a 12 pound turkey and a 12 pound ham.  I do not know what I was thinking.  There were 7 of us for dinner.
     Jackie always makes breakfast Christmas morning, which is stressful, time consuming and  involves a lot of clean up.  This year we ordered cinnamon rolls from Sunshine Bakery.  There were 5 of I ordered a dozen rolls.  I hope I can freeze the rest.
     It's not even judgments.  I made shortbread the other night.  Granted, I was tired, and I had had a couple of glasses of wine, and it was late.  I read the directions multiple times......I kept reading 1/2 cup butter.  I kept looking at a stick of butter and seeing that there were two quarter cups in a I used one stick.
     The shortbread dough was very dry and crumbly.  I added a little oil, which helped, but the bread never really meshed.  I baked it anyway.  Over baked it, possibly.  It is hard, but very tasty.
     I looked at the recipe again in the morning and realized it was one half pound butter  not  one half cup.  Two sticks, not one.  Me bad.
     When I was buying something for Jackie at a bookstore, the lady in front of me had Michelle Obama's book Becoming.  She gave it to the clerk and he asked if she was buying this as a gift.  She said she was.  He asked if the person she was buying it for spoke Spanish.  He did not.  The clerk then pointed out she had the Spanish edition!   Seriously, I am bad but how could she not know that?
     And to all the Facebook friends that got the message Marry Christmas from me....I do apologize. 
     Anyway....maybe tomorrow I'll just have a cinnamon roll and tea.
     I need to make a list for next year.
     Peace and Love and leftovers......

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