Tuesday, December 4, 2018

one down....

I performed one fix today

     My garage door now opens on the keypad (again) and on the car remote. (again)
     I don't know how many times I put that damn battery in only to have the remote not work.
     I finally flipped it over and noticed there was a paper shield on the bottom of the battery.  It would not work because I did not remove the protective covering.
     And following the directions worked like a charm.
     But I am perplexed by the under cabinet lights.
     They stopped working this weekend.
     This happened a couple of times before.  Once they were manually reset by my friend Steve, I think.  The second time they were reset by Pete.  The last time they seemed to reset themselves!
     Seriously!  The lights did not work but we had a storm and lightning hit near by and suddenly, they worked.
     We had a lot of lightning Saturday night, which was when they stopped working.
     I should have watched when the lights were reset.  I will next time.
     Had a great time tonight with my Exit 99 pals.  We talked about doing a show.  That is exciting to me, but it was great just talking and visiting with them, and laughing with them, and just being around them.
      So thanks Carrie, Beth and Terry for a fun night.
      The new me is going to start going to bed earlier.
      So.....good night.  Sweet dreams.

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