Friday, December 28, 2018

Darn, I won

I can't win for losing

     That makes no sense, does it.
     When I retired I got a gift card for the restaurant at the golf course.  It closed before I could use it.
     That Beacon gift certificate?  Closed before I used it.
     I won a gift certificate to a local cafe.  It is the third one I have won at our weekly Rotary meetings over the past three years.  How many have I used?
     None  Zip.  Nada.   Zilch.
     Two of them I misplaced, when I found them I read the expiration date had long since passed.
     I won one about a month ago and told Jackie, "Let's go have breakfast."  But we have not and guess what?
     They announced they are closing tomorrow.
     Here's my dilemma.  I have a gift certificate for the restaurant and 6 cinnamon rolls from Christmas morning that have to be baked.  I can't eat cinnamon rolls and then go have breakfast, or vice versa.  I have lunch plans, so that is out.
     So....contest time.
     If anyone wants my gift certificate, a $15 value, let me know in this blog.      You may have to come pick it up tomorrow, and if you are lucky I will be wearing pajamas.
     I should live by my pappy's code:  Use it or lose it.
     Peace and Love and breakfast on me.

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