Thursday, December 13, 2018

another day done

So much for celebrating in style

     We celebrate strangely in the Dickow household.
     No, we did not go out to dinner.  No, we did not do anything special.   Yes, we did note it was our anniversary.
     We figured we should go out to eat when Julia is here....which will be Saturday.  Then we can figure out where to go, and when, and be together as a family.
     We did so something special, sort of.  Jackie had a treatment on her left leg that is supposed to relieve the pain.  She has her right leg done next week.  Radio ablation therapy.  It does work.
     There was also a museum members night that I wanted to attend, but Jackie was not comfortable going after the treatment.  So I got her an eggnog shake from Country School and headed home. 
     I got her into the house, made sure everything was copacetic, drove back to town and was just walking into the museum when my phone rang.  It was Jackie.  She had dropped the shake and the container broke, spreading eggnog shake all over the floor, to Corki's delight.
     So, I went into the museum, grabbed one cookie, said "Merry Christmas," and went home.
     After cleaning up the mess, I went back into town for another shake.  It was the least I could do since it was our anniversary!.
     Emily and John came over later and gave us our gift from all the kids and Apple TV, so we can stream Brit Box and other programs onto the TV directly.  A second part of the gift is them hooking it up and patiently and slowly explaining how to operate the technology.
     So, despite no major events, it was an eventful day.
     And a tiring one.
     So, it's off to bed.  Peace and Love to all.   And to all a good night.

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