Thursday, December 27, 2018


I found the gold!!

     Ok, maybe not the gold, but I found the missing leg!
     Julia brought a neat smoker back for Jackie.  This is a German put incense in it, close it, and smoke comes out of the mouth, or pipe, or nose.  Really cool, neat item.
     The problem is, bringing things back from Germany and Switzerland can be a problem.  These wooden creations are fragile.  And sometimes there isn't enough bubble wrap to keep them safe.
     So after opening the gifts, a closer examination of the smoker found that the doll in the smoker's sack was missing its legs! 
     We found one leg on the carpet, but the other leg was nowhere to be found.  We assumed it was in the wrapping that had been tossed.
     So today I went through one bag of wrapping paper and at the very bottom, after I untangled every scrap of packing material, I found the leg!  I got to the end and turned the bag upside down and out it came.

     It is pretty small and I am shocked that I actually found it.
     Now, maybe I can find the attachments to the vacuum.
     Peace and Love.

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