Friday, December 7, 2018

busy, busy, bee

I have been flying this week

     Thursday..... mentoring. car in for detailing, shopping spree
     Friday....... Corki in for grooming, me in for grooming, belt fix, wax kitchen cabinets, attempt to fix Christmas lights, downtown Rochelle parade, movie.
     We watched Meet Me in St. Louis, which I love.  Yes, it is a Christmas movie, but I love it for the costuming and the setting.  It takes place in the early 1900s and the details in the house are amazing.
     Every time I watch it, I think that would be the ideal age in which to live.  There had not been a world war yet, and there was an innocence about love, marriage and sex.
     Of course, it was a movie. so the dark side of those times was not covered.  Watching it, you would not think race was an issue, there was poverty in the world, epidemics were frequent and deadly, travel by horse was a long process and could result in sore butts.  And I can't forget the lack of electricity and the modern conveniences of a refrigerator and freezer.  Or cars.  Now that I think about it, living back in those days would not be good for a whimp like me.
     While it looks pretty in the movies, or on paper, those were  not good times.
But I am having a good time this week.
     Hopefully the weekend goes a little slower......only two things on Saturday and then a relaxing day and night watching the Bears maul the Rams. 
     I have to rest up now.....good night, and God bless.

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